Today in History:

70 Series I Volume XLVII-III Serial 100 - Columbia Part III

Page 70 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.

the department. Please come up and see me this evening. If you can come bring your recommendations for staff appointments for your corps and divisions. You need not accumulate more supplies at Faison's, but send them forward to this place.



Wilmington, N. C., March 31, 1865.

Lieutenant Colonel J. A. CAMPBELL,

Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of North Carolina:

SIR: I beg leave to represent to the major-general commanding the department the necessities of the poorer clases of people in this district and more especially in Wilmington. The quartermasters have not been able to pay their employes and the troops have but very little money. There is not enough currency to supply the demand for it. Many of the people were caught here with nothing, of course, but Confederate trash. A good many had sense enough, long ago, to turn their spare Confederate notes into a bale of cotton ora few boxes of tobacco, or a few barrels purposes of gold whenever the authority of the Government should come this way. I wish that some persons might be authorized to purchase and ship these articles or any of the products of the country. This would enable many families to supply their daily wants, who now, though they are not paupers and woud beg of the authorities only in the last emergency, cannot tell to-day where they will get food to-morrow. Of course we should be liable to have frauds precticed. But the Government cannot get all the property which might properly by called captured or abandoned; it is only the larger lots. There will undoubtedly be cases in which rebel soldiers leave some small quantities with their families to sell for their support. If we hunt these all out and seize the property we must then put the families on our free list. We could check frauds by requiring an affidavit in each case that the articles were bona fide the property of the parties selling them.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Commanding.


Goldsborough, N. C., April 5, 1865.

Respectfully returned to Brigadier General J. R. Hawley, commanding District of Wilmington, approved.

In granting privileges caution must be taken in regard to the destination of the articles to be sold. Nothing must be permitted to be sold under any circumstances that will be likely to reach the rebel lines.

By ordedr of Major-General Schofield:


Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General.

Page 70 OPERATIONS IN N. C., S. C., S. GA., AND E. FLA. Chapter LIX.