Today in History:

133 Series IV Volume I- Serial 127 - Correspondence, Orders, Reports and Returns of the Confederate Authorities, December 20, 1860 – June 30, 1862


to the Presidency and the Hon. A. H. Stephens to the Vice-Presidency of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, the duties of which positions their distinguished public services and acknowledged abilities eminently qualify them to discharge.

The resolution was taken up, read, and unanimously adopted.

On motion of Mr. Crawford, of Greene, the secretary of the convention was directed to transmit a copy of the foregoing to the Congress of the Confederate States of America.

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MILLEDGEVILLE, March 7, 1861.


President of Georgia Convention, Savannah, Ga.:

SIR: It is known to your honorable body that on the day after my appointment as commissioner to Texas I set out for the city of Austin, the capital of that State. Upon my arrival at that point I found its convention in session, and forthwith proceeded to make known the object of my mission. I am happy to inform you that [that] body of enlightened statesmen and patriots cordially indorsed the late action of Georgia; and their people, not less cordial in their approval of her course, have followed her example and proclaimed in the last four days with almost one voice for Southern independence and the establishment of a Southern confederacy. Although their determination in this respect, from its public notoriety, must have already reached you through different channels, yet I have considered it proper in closing my embassy to authenticate the fact by communicating it officially to your honorable body.

From the evidence which this spirited and patriotic race of men have thus given of their loyalty and devotion to Southern rights, I feel that I pay but a just tribute to the courage and patriotism of the people of Texas in saying-having upon mature deliberation adopted this measure as a last resort to protect their interests and institutions from Northern encroachment and usurpation, and to vindicate their honor and character from the ignominious imputation of abject submission to wanton outrage and insult-they will stand by their act "at every hazard and to the last extremity. " In my admiration of their conduct I cannot but contrast their noble attitude with the humiliating, supplicating posture of others vainly begging upon their knees as a gracious boon what as freemen and equals they should demand with arms in their hands.

Upon the occasion of this most welcome and valued accession to our cause, I rejoice that it is our privilege to hail the "Lone Star" as one of the Southern constellation, making now our number seven. Like the Seven Stars of the heavens, may they revolve harmoniously in their orbit, increasing in beauty and splendor in their onward and upward course. Unlike the fabled Pleiades of antiquity, may no one of their number shoot madly from its sphere, unhappily doomed to become an isolated wanderer with no fixed track until all set to rise no more.

I have the honor to be, with sentiments of high consideration, your most obedient servant,