Today in History:

123 Series IV Volume I- Serial 127 - Correspondence, Orders, Reports and Returns of the Confederate Authorities, December 20, 1860 – June 30, 1862


Governor promptly transmitted my communication to the Legislature without any comment, except that in his message accompanying it he renewed a previous recommendation for a call of a convention of the people to take into consideration the questions then agitating the country. The Senate immediately took up the message for consideration and adopted a resolution in substance affirming that Delaware appreciated the courtesy of Georgia in sending a commissioner to her; that in view of her location and the state of things existing in the States around her, the time for action on her part had not arrive, and that when it did come Delaware would pursue that course that would best promote her interests. The House postponed for the present any action on the message of the Governor, and I have not yet learned what, if any, has been its action on the subject. It was expected the Legislature would continue its session till after the 4th of March, that it might mark out its future course by the events of that day. Hence it may be that the final action of the Legislature has not yet been forwarded to me.

I cannot conclude this report without giving it as my decided opinion, formed from the declarations made to me by a large number of the prominent and leading men of Delaware, including some who have heretofore filled her executive chair and represented her in both branches of the Congress of the United States, members of all parties into which the country has heretofore been divided, that whenever Virginia and Maryland shall withdraw from the Union, Delaware would follow in their footsteps. She will not consent to unite her destinies with a Northern confederacy while she can form an alliance with one at the South, with which she is more identified by interest and to which she is drawn by sentiment and sympathy.

It is due to the State of Delaware and to myself that I should gratefully acknowledge, as I here do, the kindness and courtesy extended mble representative by the Executive and other officers and citizens of Delaware with whom during my visit I was thrown in contact. A copy of my communication to Governor Burton accompanies this report.

With great respect, your obedient servant,



DOVER, DEL., February 12, 1861.

His Excellency Governor BURTON:

DEAR SIR: I have already had the honor to place in your hand my credentials accrediting me as a commissioner to the State of Delaware from a convention of the people of the State of Georgia, recently assembled at her capital. The object of my mission is twofold. First, to lay before the constituted authorities of your State the ordinance of secession by which the State of Georgia has repealed the ordinance by virtue of which she became a member of the late confederacy known as the United States of America, has withdrawn from that confederacy, and has declared herself a free, sovereign, and independent State. The second object of my mission is, in the name of my State, to invite the co-operation of Delaware with Georgia and the other seceding States in the formation of a Southern confederacy.

In obedience to my instructions I beg leave to lay before you the following documents, all of which are inclosed: First, a resolution of the Georgia convention declaring it the right and duty of Georgia to