Today in History:

92 Series IV Volume I- Serial 127 - Correspondence, Orders, Reports and Returns of the Confederate Authorities, December 20, 1860 – June 30, 1862


L. Swain, M. W. Ransom, and John L. Bridges are appointed commissioners to visit Montgomery, Ala., for the purpose above indicated.

3. Resolved further, That His Excellency the Governor be requested immediately to inform the commissioners of their appointment, and upon the refusal of any one of them to serve, report the same immediately to the General Assembly.

Indorsed, read three times, and ratified in General Assembly this 29th day of January, A. D. 1861.


Speaker House of Commons.


Speaker of Senate.

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On motion of Mr. Toombs, a committee of three was appointed to invite the commissioners from the State of North Carolina to seats on the floor when Congress is in open session.

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At a congress of the sovereign and independent States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, begun and holden at the capitol in Montgomery, in the State of Alabama, on the fourth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and thence continued, by divers adjournments, until the eighth day of February in the same year:

Constitution for the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America.

We, the deputies of the sovereign and independent States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, invoking the favor of Almighty God, do hereby, in behalf of these States, ordain and establish this constitution for the Provisional Government of the same: to continue one year from the inauguration of the President, or until a permanent constitution or confederation between the said States shall be put in operation, whichsoever shall first occur.


SECTION. 1. All legislative powers herein delegated shall be vested in this Congress now assembled until otherwise ordained.

SEC. 2. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the same shall be filled in such manner as the proper authorities of the State shall direct.

SEC. 3. 1. The Congress shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its members; any number of deputies from a majority of the States, being present, shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members; upon all question before the Congress, each State shall be entitled to one vote, and shall be represented by any one or more of its deputies who may be present.

2. The Congress may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.

3. The Congress shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their