Today in History:

1323 Series I Volume XLVI-III Serial 97 - Appomattox Campaign Part III


Fourth. Captain Martin's battery, Sturdivant's battalion, Anderson's corps, I respectfully recommend to be for the present withdrawn from the field and assigned to duty with stationary guns on a part of the outer line below Richmond, under a recent call of General Alexander for the service of such guns. The grounds for this recommendation are that Captain Martin's horses are in peculiarly wretched condition and that with the most faithful purpose on his part his men seem not successful with animals. They are good, gallant men, and he is a brave, intelligent, even accomplished soldier, all entitled to honorable regard for the service they have rendered according to opportunity, and for the spirit with which they are ready to encounter the enemy, and yet they have not kept good horses, and Captain Martin, distinctly as he claims that it has always been his misfortune to draw indifferent horses and to suffer from adverse influences in their treatment, and that his forte is in some sphere admitting of dash, has the candor to admit, as his own conscientious judgment, that, as between himself and one of the veteran batteries of the Second Corps, the just claim to re-equipment is against him.

Fifth. Captain Dickenson's battery, Owen's battalion, I respectfully recommend to be also withdrawn from the field and either assigned to stationary guns with Captain Martin's, or allowed to equip for cavalry to such extent as may be practicable. The grounds of this recommendation are, that Captain Dickenson's horses are now in a very reduced state, although this seems not due to inattention or inaptitude on his part or that of his men; that excellent as are the captain and his fine large company and ready to do gallant service, it has been their fortune to be surprisingly little in battle; and that they express a willingness to serve wherever they can best aid in repelling the enemy. About sixty of his men, Captain Dickenson thinks, can mount themselves for cavalry, if it be deemed admissible for them thus to form a cavalry company. The remainder, about as many more, to choose artillery companies needing men to enter. In failure of this they express themselves cheerfully willing to serve stationary guns, especially in view of the superior qualities of the veteran batteries of the Second Corps for sustaining our cause in the field.

Sixth. Captain Walker's battery, Owen's battalion, I respectfully recommend to take the place of Martin's, Sturdivant's battalion, and Captain Chamberlayne's battery, Owen's battalion, to take the place of Chew's, McIntosh's battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Owen to become second field officer in McIntosh's battalion, and the battalion staff officers to be assigned as needed. The batteries will, it is believed, find these assignments agreeable, and Lieutenant-Colonel Owen cannot justly object as Lieutenant-Colonel King has at any rate a precedent claim to the battalion, which he only waives because satisfied that this basis prefers having command of the battalion to be formed for serving the stationary guns proposed by General Alexander, such battalion to consist of Douthat's, an artillery company brought by Colonel King from the West, Martin's, Dickenson's, if finally there assigned, and such other as General Alexander may designate, and for the command thus formed I respectfully recommend Lieutenant-Colonel King.

Seventh. The veteran battalions of the Second Corps, Nelson's, Braxton's, and Cutshaw's, I respectfully recommend to be restored to full efficiency by adding the means thus relieved to their proper remainder of equipment and to such other resources as may be necessary and available. This restoration is, I am satisfied, best for the service on