Today in History:

75 Series I Volume XLVI-I Serial 95 - Appomattox Campaign Part I


March 1 to 25.-In camp, as last return.

March 25.-Enemy broke through at Fort Stedman on Ninth Corps front. The Second and Third Divisions of the corps, in afternoon, attacked enemy's entrenched picket-line, capturing it with many prisoners.

March 26 to 29.-In camp.

March 29.-Broke camp at 6 a.m.; crossed Hatcher's Run at Vaughan road; formed line, with right resting on run at Vaughan crossing, and left connecting with right of Fifth Corps, near the Quaker road. Fifth Corps attacked by the enemy on the Quaker road.

March 30.-Troops advanced; connecting on the right with a division of the Twenty-fourth Corps, and on the left with Fifth Corps. Line formed, with right resting at Crow house, and left on the Boydton road, near the Mrs. Rainey house. Skirmishing with enemy all day.

March 31.-Relieved part of the line held by the Fifth Corps on the left of the Boydton roads. Miles' division sent in the assist the Fifth Corps, and captured one color. Skirmishing by the Second and Third Divisions. Miles sent to report to General Sheridan. Line formed, with right resting at Mrs. Butler's, on Boydton road, and left at Crow house.

April 1.-The left of the line of the corps rested on Gravelly Run. At dusk the First Division moved to make a connection with General Sheridan, the remainder of the corps connecting with Miles by men in single rank with intervals. Our left now rests near the Claiborne and White Oak roads. A great deal of skirmishing during the night. The front of the Crow house at daylight; afterward order countermanded.

April 2.-The enemy evacuate their works in our front at 9 o'clock. Received news from the Second Division that they had carried the redoubt near Crow house, taking 280 prisoners and 3 guns. Miles' division returns from Sheridan, strikes the enemy on Claiborne road and follows them, and at 3 o'clock attacks their position near Sutherland's Station; drives them out, taking 2 guns, 400 prisoners, and 1 battle-flag. Second and Third Divisions follow the Boydton plank road, crossing Hatcher's Run, and take position within one mile and a half of Petersburg. General Humphreys takes the Second Division and moves down the Cox road to relieve Miles, who reported the enemy too strong. Upon the arrived of the Second Division Miles is found all right.

April 3.-Corps again together, and moves on River and Namozine roads to Nomozine Church.

April 14.-Marched down Namozine road and encamped near Deep Creek.

April 15.- Left camp at 1.30 a.m., with slow progress, on account of the cavalry occupying the road. Issued rations and resumed the march, passing through Dennisville, and reached the Richmond and Danville Railroad at Jetersville Station. Hatled in line of battle with two divisions, First and Second, on left of Fifth Corps, with

Third on the right, which was afterward relieved by Sixth Corps, and was placed on the left of the corps.

April 6.-Moved at 6.30 in direction of Amelia Court-House, in three columns, with deploying distance-Second Division on right, First in center, Third on left. At 9 o'clock discovered the enemy moving past Amelia Sulpher Springs. 9.30 o'clock Mott's division moved down the Jetersville and Deatonsville road; cross Flat Creek and skirmish with their rear guard. At Deatonsville they made a stand; we charged and