Today in History:

66 Series I Volume XIX-II Serial 28 - Antietam Part II

Page 66 Chapter XXXI. OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA.

PHILADELPHIA, PA., October 10, 1862.

Captain T. T. Eckert:

The operator at Chambersburg says there is a large force of rebel cavalry reported 10 miles of that place. Our wire is down between

Chambersburg and Bedford-probably cut. Railroad route alright.


Philadelphia Office.

Knoxville, October 11, [1862]-9 a. m. (Received 12.30 p. m.)

Major General H. W. HALLECK,


An engine has been sent from Hagerstown toward Chambersburg this morning, and I shall probably hear from them in a short time. I have made such disposition of troops along the river that I think we will intercept the rebels in their return. All of my available cavalry was ordered in pursuit last night, but as yet nothing has been heard from it. Cox's division is cars at Hancock, with cavalry well out toward the Pennsylvania line, and if the rebels attempt to return above Hancock, the division will be certain to intercept them. If they attempt to cross below Hancock, I have infantry at or near all the different fords. I have six regiments of cavalry now up the river between Hancock and Cumberland. All of these troops have been ordered to keep a sharp lookout for the return of the rebels.

The force which crossed the river. I learn from several different sources, consists of four regiments of cavalry, with four guns, about 2,500 men. I have given every order necessary to insure the capture or destruction of these forces, and I hope we may be able to teach them a lesson they will not soon forget.

The great difficulty we labor under is the want of cavalry, as many of our horses are over-worked and unserviceable.

We have been making every effort to get supplies of clothing for this army, and Colonel Ingalls has received advices that it has been forwarded by railroad, but, owing to bad management on the roads or from some other cause, it comes in very slowly, and it will take a much longed time than was anticipated to get articles that are absolutely indispensable to the army unless the railroad manages forward supplies more rapidly.


Major-General, Commanding.


Washington, October 11, 1862

Major-General BURNSIDE,

Ninth Army Corps:

General Wool will send to General McClellan one regiment from

Relay House. The selection is left him.



Page 66 Chapter XXXI. OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA.