Today in History:

970 Series I Volume XI-II Serial 13 - Peninsular Campaign Part II


enemy opened with a very brisk fire on Battery F, occasioning, however, no damage. This was most spiritedly returned until 6.30 p. m., when, meeting with the response from the enemy, the two batteries ceased firing, Battery F having expended 183 rounds of ammunition and Battery B 81 rounds. The signal officer reported that the ranges during the day were very good, causing the rebels the remove their camp, the shell striking in the midst of their batteries, dismounting their largest gun that has as yet opened, and, to use his own language, "doing very great damage." At 2 p. m. June 26, by order of General Porter, Battery B opened fire on the enemy's camps in the rear of the woods directly in front of General Smith's division, and also directed four guns at Old Tavern, to the left and rear of Mrs. Price's house; at the same time Battery F commenced firing at the batteries on the opposite side of the river. At 4.30 p. m. an order was received from General Porter directing that all the ammunition and camp equipage should be packed up and held in readiness to move at a moment's notice. Having no transportation, I accordingly directed Lieutenant Whittelsey to proceed at once to Gaines' Mill and ascertain what means for moving the guns could be provided, with orders to procure a sufficient number of horses or mules to remove Battery B, together with at least two wagons for ammunition, &c., and not to report without them. In the mean time firing was continued at intervals of four minutes. At 6 p. m. Lieutenant Whittelsey reported with five teams of six mules each for the guns and two wagons, in accordance with my directions. The guns were limbered and, together with the wagons, were drawn into the road under a cover of a bank and just out of range of a severe fire from the enemy's batteries. There being as yet no transportation for Battery F, and having ascertained that no implements were at hand either for spiking the guns or breaking off their trunnions provided the advance of the enemy should render it necessary to leave them behind, I directed Captain Dow to burst the guns if they could in no way be saved. I then went to General Porter's headquarters; learned that ample transportation would be provided by 8 p. m., and received orders to report immediately at the headquarters of General Smith by way of Duane's Bridge. Captain Dow having been instructed by me to proceed with his guns at the earliest moment, Battery B moved forward at 9 p. m. and reported to General Smith at 11 p. m. The guns were then parked and the men bivouacked for the night.

At daylight June 27 Battery B was ordered to be placed in position on Golding's Hill in front of General Smith's division, which order was accordingly obeyed, and at 10 a. m. the enemy opened a severe fire of shell, which was promptly replied to by the battery. Shortly afterwards the men were subjected to a cross-fire from another rebel battery, to which immediate response was made by three of the guns. At the expiration of about two hours from the commencement of the action the enemy ceased firing. Berdan's Sharpshooters reporting that his guns were dismounted and he compelled to retire from his positions, at 4 p. m., by order of General Smith, the battery was withdrawn to the open plain within his lines.

Battery F having arrived at 9.30 a. m., by way of Woodbury's Bridge, it was ordered into position on Golding's Hill to the right of the redoubt erected in front of General Smith's division, and opened fire on the enemy at Gaines' house with extremely good effect, the shells from the battery constantly falling in and near their ranks, compelling them to disperse and retire to the woods.