Today in History:

41 Series I Volume XI-I Serial 12 - Peninsular Campaign Part I


Twentieth Massachusetts, Colonel Lee; Seventh Michigan, Major Richardson-the three former of General Gorman's brigade, the two latter of General Dana's brigade) to advance and charge with the bayonet. This charge was executed in the most brilliant manner. Our troops, springing over two fences which were between them and the enemy, rushed upon his lines and drove him in confusion from that part of the field. Darkness now ended the battle for that day.

During the night dispositions were made for its early renewal. General Couch's division and so much of General Casey's as could be collected, together with General Kearny's, occupied the rifle pits near Seven Pines. General Peck, in falling back on the left, had succeeded late in the afternoon in rallying a considerable number of stragglers, and was taking them once more into the action, when he was ordered back to the intrenched camp by General Kearny. General Hooker brought up his division about dark, having been delayed by the heaviness of the roads and the throng of fugitives from the field, through whom the colonel of the leading regiment (Starr) reports he "was obliged to force his way with the bayonet." This division bivouacked for the night in rear of the right of the rifle pits on the other side of the railroad. General Richardson's division also came upon the field about sunset. He had attempted the passage of the Chickahominy by the bridge opposite his own camp, but it was so far destroyed that he was forced to move Generals Howard's and Meagher's brigades, with all his artillery, around by General Sedgwick's bridge, while General French's brigade, with the utmost difficulty, crossed by the other. General Sedgwick's division, with the regiments under General Couch, held about the same position as when the fight ceased, and General Richardson, on his arrival, was ordered to place his division on the left, to connect with General Kearny; General French's brigade was posted along the railroad and Generals Howard's and Meagher's brigades in second the third lines. All his artillery had been left behind, it being impossible to move it forward through the deep mud as rapidly as the infantry pushed toward the field, but during the night the three batteries of the division were brought to the front.

About 5 o'clock on the morning of the 1st of June skirmishers and some cavalry of the enemy were discovered in front of General Richardson's division. Captain Pettit's battery (B, First New York) having come upon the ground, threw a few shell among them, when they dispersed. There was a wide interval between General Richardson and General Kearny. To close this General Richardson's line was extended to the left and his first line moved over the railroad. Scarcely had they gained the position when the enemy, appearing in large force from the woods in front, opened a heavy fire of musketry at short range along the whole line. He approached very rapidly with columns of attack formed on two roads which crossed the railroad. These columns were supported by infantry in line of battle on each side, cutting General French's line. He threw out no skirmishers, but appeared determined to carry all before him by one crushing blow. For nearly an hour the first line of General Richardson's division stood and returned the fire, the lines of the enemy being re-enforced and relieved time after time, till finally General Howard was ordered with his brigade to go to General French's assistance. He led his men gallantly to the front, and in a few minutes the fire of the enemy ceased and his whole line fell back on that part of the field. On the opening of the firing in the morning General Hooker pushed forward on the railroad with two regiments (Fifth and Sixth New Jersey), followed by General Sickles'