Today in History:

140 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I

Page 140 KY., TENN., N. MISS., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.

battery, many of his own men having fallen. I immediately detailed 20 men from Seventeenth Illinois Regiment and reported them to Captain Barrett, commanding Battery. Searching through the encampment of the Eighth Illinois Regiment, I found ammunition and carried it to the brigade, but it proved to be of a wrong caliber. Learning Infantry, I turned it over to Colonel Ransom, Commanding.

After waiting a while, and no ammunition coming up, I fell back to meet the train. As i could do no further good remaining with the train, I rode forward to hurry up ammunition. Meeting with Lieutenant C. C. Williams, brigade quartermaster, he gallantly volunteered to bring forward a train, designating a field where to meet the regiments. When I returned I found that the regiments had been separated. Halting the advance, I eventually succeeded in getting the Seventeenth, Forty-third, and Forty-ninth Regiments into line, when Quartermaster Williams returned with an ammunition train, under the director of Lieutenant Jones, ordnance officer, First Division, who, supplying the men with whatever was necessary, gallantly moved with his train to the front. After getting everything in readiness for action I reported to Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, Seventeenth Illinois Regiment, who commanded the brigade the remainder of the day. For its operations during that time I would refer you to Lieutenant-Colonel Wood and to the report of Colonel March, who commanded the brigade on the 7th instant.

I cannot close this report, general without referring to some of the officers and men of this brigade. To Colonel Raith, of the Forty-third Illinois Regiment, who fell early in the action, while gallantly and bravely discharging the duties of brigade commander, and in his loss know that our cause has lost one of its best and bravest defenders; but while deploring his loss we cannot but admire the heroism and patriotism always exhibited by him, even ton the shedding of his last drop of blood upon the altar of his adopted country for the preservation of its dearly-loved Constitution and laws. To Lieutenant-Colonel Pease, Forty-ninth Illinois Regiment, who commanded his regiment during the entire contest with great coolness discretion. To Captain Josiah Moore, Company F, Seventeenth Illinois Regiment, who distinguished himself by daring bravery on the battle-field, as did also, with but few exceptions, when whole command. To Brigade Surg. L. D. Kellogg, who merits the thanks of all for his untiring endeavors to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded, remaining in the hospital when all other surgeons fled, seeking no rest till exhausted nature claimed her own. To Secretaries Radford and Bassett, who preserved all books and papers belonging to the various departments of the brigade.

The brigade went into action with an aggregate of about 1,650 men; reported loss, killed, wounded, and missing, 834 men.* For full particulars see reports of regimental commanders.

Your, respectfully,


Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Major General JOHN A. McCLERNAND.


* But see revised statement, p. 100, and division return, p. 123.


Page 140 KY., TENN., N. MISS., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.