Today in History:

136 Series I Volume X-I Serial 10 - Shiloh Part I

Page 136 KY., TENN., N. MISS., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.

Ransom, the gallant commander of the Eleventh Illinois, though severely wounded, refused to leave the field, and retained command of his regiment on Sunday.

On Monday morning they were detailed on other duty by Major-General Grant. Major Nevins, of the Eleventh, though wounded still remained with his command. Lieutenant-Colonel Richards, of the Twentieth Illinois, though compelled to leave the field from the severe painfulness of his wound, soon came back, and had positively to be ordered off. Major Bartleson, of the Twentieth, fully sustained his reputation as a gallant soldier, and has sealed his devotion to his country by the loss of an arm. This left the Twentieth from early Sunday morning in command of senior Captain Frisbie, who has shown himself a brave and efficient officer. Major Mayfield, of the Forty-eighth, thrown in command by the wounding of Colonel Haynie and Lieutenant-Colonel Sanford, has developed qualities that show him well fitted for his position. To Colonel J. E. Smith and Major Smith, of the Forty-fifth, I am much indebted. Though more fortunate than many of their brother officers in escaping wounds, they were no less exposed. A regiment with such officers must be officiant. Adjt. J. E. Thompson, of the Twentieth, acting as my aide, was killed at my side during the cannonading of Sunday evening. He was a brave and excellent officer. Captain G. W. Kennard, assistant quartermaster of the brigade, was constant in attention to his duties. Through his assistance I was able to promptly supply the command with rations on Sunday night and Monday morning. Major Smith, of the Seventeenth Illinois, assisted greatly in forming the line on Sunday evening, and during the engagements of both Sunday and Monday he well sustained his former reputation and that of the gallant regiment which he commands. Adjutant Ryan, of the same regiment, was of great service as acting aide. To Lieutenant Jones, the of the division staff, I am under many obligations for the promptness with which he supplied me with ammunition. Had a less efficient officer had the matter in charge my record might have been far more unpleasant Lieutenant Harry King, commanding Company G, Twentieth Illinois, employed as skirmishers, proved himself a daring and brave officer. Doubtless many other cases of individual daring occurred which did not meet my eye.

And now, sir, I proceed to my most unpleasant duty. The accompanying list of killed and wounded in my little command is itself a sorrowful though proud record of their bravery. Going into action on Sunday morning without 1,514 officers and men, I have to report 571 killed, wounded, and missing. The few missing show how closely together the brigade remained during the battle . I inclose with this report that of Surgeon Goodbrake, acting brigade surgeon.* There were taken by my command during the action two brass 6-pounder field pieces, with caissons complete. There have been picked up within the limits of my brigade camp 1,363 rifles, muskets, and shot-guns, a large portion of which bear unmistakable marks of having belonged to the rebels. There have been buried within the same limits by my command 437 rebels and 115 of our own troops.

Congratulating you on the brilliancy of our success, and mourning with you in the loss of so many of our brave troops, I have the honor to remain, your obedient servant,


Colonel Twentieth Illinois Infantry, Comdg. Second Brig., First Div.

Major M. BRAYMAN, A. A. G., First Division.


* Omitted; but see revised statement, p. 100, and division return, p. 124


Page 136 KY., TENN., N. MISS., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXII.