Today in History:

672 Series I Volume IX- Serial 9 - Roanoke


miles, the took toward the Magdalene Mountain, where they found water, distance from Nugales about 29 miles; road very rough. On the road they deserted one wagon and a camp and left three dead bodies half buried. In another place found bones of a man's arm, half eaten by wolves. I had all buried. From there the road took to Feather Springs. I called it so on account of feather-beds being strewed around; distance from Dead Man's Spring 17 miles. They encamped there. From there they took the road to Ojo del Pueblo, distance 15 miles; road very rough. Here they blew up a caisson, burned three wagons, hospital department, medicines, &c.; left a few shell and round shot. From there they took to the Salada, distance from Ojo del Pueblo about 30 miles; road very rough. On this road, near and at Salada, they blew up and burned six caissons, one 12-pounder howitzer, and two mountain-howitzer carriages. I found out where they had buried some 40 shell, loaded, in one place, and 38 in another; 78 in all. I took them up and hid them in another place. To-morrow the quartermaster from here sends for them. They burned up about 19 wagons, 10 ambulances, 6 caissons, and 3 carriages. I think they left 3 howitzers, one 12-pounder and two mountain. I had with me a man who came with with them, who saw them leave the howitzers. I believe the Mexicans have the large one buried, and by offering a reward we could find out. They destroyed six 100-pound barrels of powder at Salad and a great deal of camp equipage. The road from Ojo del Pueblo is strewn with old harness, iron ovens, and in fact everything but small ammunition. It seems they destroyed very little, if any, of that. It appears that the Mexicans have carried off a great deal. There is nothing worth sending for in the shape of ammunition except the shell. The distance from Nugales to Rio Puerco is about 109 miles; road very bad. Sibley's command made it in five days. Left dead on the road about 60 ot 70 mules and horses. Inclosed I send a letter* I found about hiring the wagons.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain, New Mexico Mounted Volunteers.

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Santa Fe, May 17, 1862.

Hon. W. H. SEWARD,

Secretary of State, Washington City:

SIR: A few days since I returned from a visit to my place of residence near Peralta, and 90 miles from this city. The visit was made to see in what state the Texans had left my house and its contents. I am sorry to say that all I had heretofore been informed of as to the wanton destruction of property proved to be true.

They remained in entire possession for near forty-eight hours; all of which time was devoted to the destruction of everything of value about the premises. The same would have happened no doubt to my neighbors of Peralta had it not been for the timely arrival of General Canby, who gave them no time for further depredations upon private property.

My loss have been very heavy, not less than $30,000, and much of this through a pure vandalic spirit. There was much about the house


*Not found.
