Today in History:

512 Series I Volume XXXVI-I Serial 67 - Wilderness-Cold Harbor Part I


Second Battalion reported early on the morning of the 29th. In the afternoon Miles' brigade moved up to the front line, and Ames' battery was ordered to prepare to move there. In afternoon Ricketts, Clark, and Fourth New York Artillery on right of main road. Roder, Arnold, and mortars on left of main road; heavy fire from enemy from 1 to 4 p.m. replied to all afternoon with success. Particularly heavy fire at 6.25, lasting twenty-five minutes. Batteries did not open; were in position with their division commands.

May 31.-McKnight's (Third Division) battery was ordered over the creek to support Birney, who had taken the works, and did good execution, until his ammunition gave out, at 700 yards; was relieved by Roder, who did good work, the enemy falling back to his main line of works. Four mortars were ordered over, but did no firing. No other change except Burton, who supported Birney's advance. No further change during the day. At 8 p.m. ordered to establish a line of artillery on Birney's advance line-in works to be built-three batteries to go at 3 a.m., the 1st.

June 1.-Order countermanded. Ordered to withdraw to west side of creek. Recountermanded at 11.30. At 1.30 the order was again countermanded. No batteries moved under these orders. Roder and the mortars returned across the creek at 11.30 p.m., May 31. Roder and Burton placed in reserve. Mortars turned over to Captain Jones, Company D, Fourth New York Artillery. At dark the reserve batteries withdrew, Roder, Ames, Clark, McKnight, Burton, and Edgell, and marched by way of Harris' Store toward Cold Harbor. Parked near army headquarters, followed by Fourth New York Artillery; other batteries assigned to divisions.

June 2.-Arrived at Cold Harbor and parked reserve artillery. Second Corps took the left of the line. Divisions posted; Gibbon right, Barlow left, Birney reserve. Batteries on the lines of the divisions.

June 3.-Assaults made by Birney and Barlow at daylight. Dow in position and doing good service. At 7 a.m. Clark ordered to take position on the right of Dow and open fire. Brown put in on Barlow's left, Arnold on his right. Roder put in at 9 a.m. on Brown's left and Edgell on the extreme left. Sleeper was on the extreme right, Birney, with Ricketts and Gilliss, in reserve. The Eighteenth Corps sent for a battery; McKnight sent. Birney reported to General Smith, taking his batteries. Burton at 4 p.m. placed on the right of Edgell. The Fourth Artillery moved at the same time to rifle-pits in rear of Gibbon's line. At 2 p.m. positions selected for mortars (two) were taken on the left of the road, in charge of Captain Jones, doing good execution. At 6 p.m. positions, at which strong works were to be built, were selected, commencing on the right; Edgell to be advanced 200 yards, Sleeper on his left. Clark and Dow advanced 200 yards on his left, Barlow's right. Brown, Roder, and Burton at the big pine tree, farther to the left. Arnold nearly in front of Brown. The mortars to the right of the road, 40 yards from the enemy's lines. All these batteries to be in these positions at daylight next morning. In the attack at 8 p.m. the batteries did good execution in shelling them.

June 4.-All in position except Edgell and Arnold, who was placed too far to the front, and afterward moved farther back. The works were to be built by working parties of the Fourth New York Artillery. McKnight reported back and supplied with ammunition; Gilliss also. Ricketts removed with Eighteenth Corps. Ames had