Today in History:

738 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III

Page 738 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

unteers, and no man under forty-five was allowed to be discharged after the last conscription act, although conscripts have been called for up to forty. I therefore most respectfully ask that the lieutenant-general will order the State troops to be converted into Confederate troops, by discharging all officers and men over forty-five years, and permitting the remainder to reorganize as Confederate cavalry. And, in the meantime, I ask that Captain Weatherall's, Captain Street's, and all other companies that may have been ordered out of my district by Major-General Gholson, be ordered back immediately, to report to me.

I am, very truly yours,


JACKSON, April 12, 1863.

General JOSEPH E. Johnston, Tullahoma:

Will forward troops to you as fast as transportation can be furnished-about 8,000 men. Am satisfied Rosecrans will be re-enforced from Grant's army. Shall I order troops to Tullahoma?


HERNANDO, April 12, 1863.


I have the following from Colonel [W. C] Falkner, in front:

A man well known to me, who is reliable, has just come Memphis. He says 20,000 troops passed up day before yesterday from Vicksburg, to re-enforce Rosecrans.


It is positively stated that General Ellet's Marine Brigade has gone up.


Telegraph Agent, D. H.

(Forwarded to General Johnston by R. W. Memminger, assistant adjutant-general.)

TULLAHOMA, April 13, 1863.

Lieutenant-General PEMBERTON, Jackson, MISS.:

Your dispatch of the 11th received. Send the troops you name immediately. If the Selma route is in order, troops should divide at Meridian. Telegraph Major Barbour, at Montgomery, to prepare for the movement, and inform Major-General Buckner, and prepare more troops for movement.

J. E. Johnston.

[April 13, 1863. -For Johnston to Cooper, see Series I, VOL. XXIII, Part II, p. 751.]

TULLAHOMA, April 13, 1863.

Lieutenant-General PEMBERTON:

Your dispatch of this date received. * Order them to the place you name-Tullahoma.

J. E. Johnston.


* Of April 12. See above.


Page 738 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.