Today in History:

334 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III

Page 334 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

pass. They will get in position all the artillery possible, and gain all the ground they can with their infantry and skirmishers. At an early hour in the morning a vigorous attack will be commenced by the artillery and skirmishers. The infantry, with the exception of reserves and skirmishers, will be placed in columns of platoons, or by a flank if the ground over which they may have to pass will not admit of a greater front, ready to move forward at the hour designated. Promptly at the hour designated all will start at quick time, with bayonets fixed, and march immediately upon the enemy without firing a gun until the outer works are carried. The troops will go Light, carrying with them only their ammunition, canteens, and one day's rations. The skirmishers will advance as soon as possible after heads of columns pass them, and scale the walls of such works as may confront them. If prosecuted with vigor, it is confidently believed this course will carry Vicksburg in a very short time, and with much less loss than would be sustained by delay. Every day's delay enables the enemy to strengthen his defenses and increases his chance for receiving aid from outside.

By order of Major General U. S. Grant:


Assistant Adjutant-General

NEAR Vicksburg, MISS,. May 21, 1863.

Brigadier General John McArthur,

Commanding Sixth DIVISION, SEVENTEENTH Army Corps:

Inclosed you will find orders for the three army corps here. * Your command being detached, will necessarily have to act independently.

I want you to move with your entire force on the Vicksburg road, toward the city. Move cautiously, and be prepared to receive an attack at any moment. Penetrate as far into the city as you can. Should you find the city still in possession of the enemy, hold as advanced a position as you can secure yourself upon.


HDQRS. Fifteenth ARMY CORPS, Numbers 38.
Walnut Hills, MISS., May 21, 1863.

In addition to the details set forth in General Orders, Number -, from Headquarters Department of the Tennessee, the following is added:

Generals Blair's and Tuttle's DIVISIONS will assault along the main road, by the flank, the head of the column preceded by a selected, or volunteer, storming party of about 150 men.

The skirmishers along our whole front will, during the night, advance within 100 yards of the enemy's works, and will, with the spade or as, prepare pits, or fallen trees, so as to give them cover from which to kill artillerists who attempt to load the guns, also to keep down the fire of the enemy's infantry in the rifle-pits during the assault.

As soon as the head of the column is seen to enter the works, these skirmishers will hastily scale the works and fire upon the enemy and drive him as far as possible.

The artillery will collect all the ammunition they can, close at hand, and will begin at daylight to fire on the enemy's sally port, the bastions, and batteries, that have a fire on the ground over which the column must pass, firing with great care and precision, reserving in their cais-


*See General Field Orders, Number -, p. 333.


Page 334 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.