Today in History:

311 Series I Volume XXIV-III Serial 38 - Vicksburg Part III


The head of General Carr's DIVISION reached here about 6. 30 a. m. .,

and has gone forward on the Jackson road. It will probably camp to-night 4 miles beyond the Mississippi Springs, the point designated by you. He is instructed to destroy the railroad westward. I have instructed Generals Carr and Hovey to open communication with each other. The positions assigned to them respectively I take it to be about 6 miles apart.

General Smith reported to me last evening that he was at Old Auburn, and again before day that the from the Gulf was near him. Report also brings Blair within a few miles of Smith. In accordance with what I understand to be your instructions, and because it would have exposed it to capture or destruction, I instructed General Smith to withdraw the detachment he had left behind to watch Baldwin's Ferry. Everything seems to be going on well, though the tremendous rain-storms of last evening and to-day have made the march laborious and less expeditious than it would have been under more favorable circumstances.

Unless you direct otherwise, I will instruct General Osterhaus to send part of the supply train on the Jackson road and part on the Clinton rod, retaining part here.

Reports are fully ripe that the enemy are in strong force at Edwards Depot; yet, if so, it is surprising that he did not attack my rear yesterday more vigorously than he did, as this place in more readily accessible to the different parts of my command, which, agreeably to your instructions, is divided over a more considerable space than any other now known to me.

I will remain here for the present; hence any orders you may wish to give will find me here or be forwarded to me.

JOHN A. McClernand.

RAYMOND, MISS., May 14, 1863.

Major General U. S. GRANT,

Commanding Department of the Tennessee:

GENERAL: I have ordered Generals Carr, Hovey, and Osterhaus to concentrate their DIVISIONS upon Bolton, and General Smith to move his DIVISION toward Edwards Station, and contingently to Bolton, each with all possible dispatch.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JOHN A. McClernand,

JACKSON, MISS., May 14, 1863.

Major General F. P. BLAIR, Jr.,

Commanding FIFTH DIVISION, Fifteenth Army Corps:

This place was carried at about 3 p. m. this day, the garrison retreating north toward Canton, under command of General Joe Johnston. Their design is evidently to cross the Big Black and pass down the peninsula, between the Big Black and Yazoo Rivers. We must beat them. Turn your troops immediately to Bolton. Take all the trains with you. Smith's DIVISION and any other troops now with you will go to the same place. If practicable take parallel roads, so as to divide your troops and train.