Today in History:

484 Series I Volume XXIV-II Serial 37 - Vicksburg Part II

Page 484 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.

We have to regret loss of 2 killed and 17 wounded in this days' conflict.

My thanks are especially due to Major F. P. Beck, chief quartermaster; Captain L. D. Sandidge, district inspector and acting assistant adjutant-general; Major Beverly Matthews, inspector of cavalry, colonel John M. Sandidge, volunteer aide-de-Camp,; SECOND Lieutenant A. B. De Saulles, engineer, c. S. Army, and First Lieutenant M. B. Ruggles, aide-de-Camp, for services mots promptly rendered on the field of battle.

Your dispatch of the 19th, form Canton, notifying me that 3,000 of the enemy's mounted troops were moving against General Chalmers, was received on the battle ground at 1. 30 p. m. the 20th, and I immediately sent of scouts to report the actual position,&C., of the enemy, With the view of assisting in his expulsion, but the defeat of one of their columns by the troops of General J. R. Chalmer, and the retreat of the other as was subsequently ascertained, made in inexpedient to march my troops westwardly from their base line of operations.

Before leaving the neighborhood of Guntown on the 18th, major W. M. Inge was order form Tupelo, With 125 select men, to be joined by Captain J. G. WARREN, who had been sent With and equal number to scout along the enemy's line eastwardly from Camp Davis, With instructions to repel a small raid of the enemy reported moving toward Fulton, which was done by him after some slight skirmishing, capturing 2 wagons, an ambulance, and 8 horses, the enemy destroying another wagon in which were forty of fifty long-range guns, and 3,000 rounds of ammunition taken out by them to arm some Tories.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, commanding District.

Colonel B. S. EWELL,

Assistant Adjutant-General, Jackson, MISS.

JUNE 15-25, 1863. -Operations in Northeastern Mississippi.


June 16, 1863. -Skirmish at Quinn's Mills, on the Coldwater.

16-17, 1863. -Skirmishers near Holly Springs, MISS.

17, 1863. -Attack on transports, MISSISSIPPI River, near Commerce, MISS.

18, 1863. -Skirmish at Coldwater Bridge, Miss. Skirmish at Belmont, MISS.

19, 1863. -Action on the Coldwater, MISS.

19-20, 1863. -Skirmishes near Panola, MISS.

20, 1863. -Skirmish near Senatobia, MISS.

Skirmish at Matthews' Ferry, on the Coldwater, MISS. 21, 1863. -Skirmish at Hudsonville, MISS.

Skirmish on Helena Road MISS.


Number 1. -Major General Stephen A. Hurlbut, u. S. Army commanding SIXTEENTH Army Corps.

Number 2. -Major General Richard J. Oglesby U. S. Army.

Number 3. -Colonel John K. Mizzner THIRD Michigan Cavalry, chief of Cavalry, left wing SIXTEENTH Army Corps.

Page 484 Mississippi, WEST TENNESSEE, ETC. Chapter XXXVI.