Today in History:

843 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II


but that country, until the oat crops ripen, may be regarded as impassible, except by parties on a raid.

The view which I present you of my position is not encouraging, but I think it is a just one. General Sam. Jones, near Wytheville, has been directed to co-operate with me. I am not advised of what assistance he could render, but not beyond a very few thousand men (perhaps from 2,000 to 4,000 men).

The general plan I have sketched for the present is as follows: If the enemy advance toward Cumberland Gap, I propose to concentrate there, and avail myself of opportunities to strike at him where he divides to turn the position. If the advances from Monticello in the direction of Clinton, I propose to concentrate at the latter place in the latter movement. If I cannot stop his advance, I would propose to maneuver with a view of Loudon as my base, making the Tennessee River a common line for your army and mine, should my failure here cause you to withdraw behind the Tennessee. For that purpose Loudon is better fitted for my base than Knoxville, where, in the event of falling back, an enemy might interpose directly between me and the Army of Tennessee.

I need not say, general, how cheerfully I desire to co-operate with you. I regret that my means are so small that I will have little opportunity of practically showing my disposition to aid your movements. You will see from the statement of my force and position that it will usually be I who am to expect from you the assistance which I feel assured you will always render, as far as possible.

Let me ask you to give me your views in reference to the whole subject of the defense of East Tennessee, and the best way of our acting in concert with each other. As you remark, the distance of our common superior is so great, and the relations between our departments so intimate, that it is indispensable that we should act in proper concert. It is to be regretted, therefore, at this time that a single mind does not control both departments.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



Abstract from return of the artillery of Polk's Army Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Marshall T. Polk commanding, for May 19, 1863.

Batteries Effective Aggregate Aggregate

total present present and


Barret's (Missouri) 92 98 114

Carnes' (Tennessee) 79 92 107

Douglas' (Texas) 81 95 103

Garrity's (Alabama) 94 101 138

Humphreys' (Arkansas) 87 99 103


(Confederate) [Florida] 99 130 140

Scott's (Tennessee) 84 101 113

Smith's (Mississippi) 81 97 108


(Mississippi) 100 117 119

Waters' (Alabama) 86 104 116

Total 883 1,034 1,161


Batteries 3-inch 12-po- 6-poun- 12-poun-

rifles under der der how-

guns guns itzers

Barret's (Missouri) ........ ...... 2 2

Carnes' (Tennessee) ........ ...... 2 2

Douglas' (Texas) ........ ...... 2 2

Garrity's (Alabama) ........ ...... 2 2

Humphreys' (Arkansas) ........ ...... 2 2


(Confederate) [Florida] ........ 6 ...... .......

Scott's (Tennessee) ........ ...... 2 2

Smith's (Mississippi) ........ 4 ...... .......


(Mississippi) 4 ...... ...... .......

Waters' (Alabama) ....... ...... 2 2

Total 4 10 14 14


Batteries Serviceable Unserviceable

Barret's (Missouri) 51 26

Carnes' (Tennessee) 47 27

Douglas' (Texas) 65 12

Garrity's (Alabama) 51 32

Humphreys' (Arkansas) 50 14

Robertson's (Confederate)

[Florida] 83 34

Scott's (Tennessee) 53 20

Smith's (Mississippi) 72 29

Stanford's (Mississippi) 60 32

Waters' (Alabama) 58 29

Total 590 255


*McTyer's battery reported on detached service near Columbia.
