Today in History:

565 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II


orders from yourself or General Rosecrans. Construction train ran up to Fayetteville last evening. Received a dispatch from Colonel Long, when it came down this morning; says he cannot make out oaths and bonds as fast as the rebs want to take them-bite savagely. Thinks three-fourths of the people of alabama and Tennessee through which he has passed would vote to-day to come back into the old Union. they are most emphatically sick. He has over 200 American citizens of African descent.

I was at the depot to-day, but did not see you. Will have my carriage there again to-morrow. Will you be here? Passenger train ran up to Winchester to-day.


Assistant Adjutant-General.

DECHERD, July 28, 1863.

Major General W. S. ROSECRANS:

The cavalry have come in, but are not in condition to be sent to the front just at present. I will send one brigade of the Fourth Division to University Place to-morrow; also five days' forage for the cavalry. There are no means of sending forage, &c., by rail to Tracy City, the road not being in running order, and there is not half a day's subsistence for man or beast at that place.

Statements of W. J. Newton, R. C. Bell, and James Samson, of Hamilton County:

Bragg's army mainly at Chattanooga, fortifying in its environs. Hardee's corps reported as under, orders to join Johnston, Hardee himself having already gone. Tenn thousand men, with six field pieces, sent up between Sweetwater and Knoxville. Army much dissatisfied. Report that Polk's corps was to go to Lee and Hardee's to Johnston. Six thousand cavalry at Ringgold, Ga., as a reserve for Atlanta.

Daniel Harrington states:

They have boats for pontoon bridges at Chattanooga Island. Army said to be on half rations.

Joseph Brown states:

Met rebel scouts in Sequatchie Valley, helping rebel citizens remove their traps south of Tennessee River. Good crops, and cattle, sheep, and hogs, and guerrillas reported in the neighborhood of Sparta.


Major-General U. S. Volunteers, Commanding.

CINCINNATI, OHIO, July 28, 1863.

Major General H. W. HALLECK,


The indications are that a considerable force of the enemy ins advancing into Kentucky.* Will inform you of their movements front time to time, and do the best we can with the force at hand. It is reported that it is a portion of Bragg's army, but not entirely reliable. The forces in East Tennessee, I am satisfied, have been underestimated.




*See Scott's raid in Eastern Kentucky, July 25-August 6, 1863, Part I, p. 828.
