Today in History:

394 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 394 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

villains. From that respect and sympathy due to the helplessness of women and children which has so distinguished the confederate Army, they were permitted to leave unmolested, with their families and all their movable property, to the place of their choice, whereas the same spirit which has actuated the Northern Army and Government would have consigned them to the halter or the dungeon. Detachments sent to Barboursville, which could at any time have destroyed it, have been particularly instructed to commit no violence against its citizens or touch any of their property, and it stands now, an evidence of my clemency.

The infamous threat against helpless families contained in the notice issued under the false pretense of retaliation is the braggadocio of a cowardly braggart, who, with the valor of the ass in the lion's skin, would attack the weak and helpless, and flee like a spurned cur from the strong, and adds, if possible, to the already merited infamy and disgrace of the Government he serves. The depraved Lincolnites on either side of the mountains have hitherto been the objects of my forbearance rather than justice, but if the homes or lives of "rebel sympathizers," as they are called, are put in peril or destroyed, the retaliation that shall instantly follow will teach those warriors on women a lesson not soon to be forgotten.

The civilized world stands shocked at the falsehood and despotic tyranny of that hated Government, which has deprived its best citizens of their political and civil rights, condemned them, without trial, to the dungeon of the felon, for the mere expression of their political opinions; shed the blood of the innocent, and depopulated New Orleans of its most virtuous citizens, after robbing them of all their property. The threat of the minion of such a Government will not be regarded, and my orders will be carried into effect.


Brigadier-General, Provisional Army of the Confederate States.


This was brought from the Gap by John G. Newley, at the request of General Gracie. We are expecting them down upon us every hour. I will not be here.

Very respectfully, yours,


LONDON, June 6, [1863.]

COLONEL: This circular was brought in by a courier at 11 o'clock to-day. I will get out a reconnoitering force in that direction this p. m.


CORINTH, June 8, 1863.


Scouts report that Bragg is moving his stores to Atlanta, Ga.


CONFIDENTIAL.] Murfreesborough, Tenn., June 8, 1863.

GENERAL: In view of our present military position, the general com-


*Addressed to Generals Brannan, Crittenden, Davis, Granger, Johnson, McCook, Mitchell, Negley, Palmer, Reynolds, Rousseau, Sheridan, Stanley, Thomas, Turchin, Van Cleve, and Wood.


Page 394 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.