Today in History:

198 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 198 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. [Chap .XXXV.

Abstract from return of the Department of the Ohio, Major General Ambros E. Burnside commanding, for the month of March, 1863; headquarters Cincinnati, Ohio.

Present for duty.

Command. Officers Men Aggregate


Department staff 33 .... 33

(Cincinnati, Ohio)

District of Western

Kentucky, Brigadier

General J. T. Boyle:

Staff (Louisville, Ky.) 10 8 18

Bowling Green and 163 2,512 3,745

Russellville, Brigadier

General Henry M.


Munfordville, &c., 168 2,614 3,239

Brigadier General

Edward H. Hobson

Lebanon 40 768 956

Henderson, Lebanon, 180 3,262 4,097

Louisville, &c

Total District of 561 9,164 12,055

Western Kentucky

District of Eastern

Kentucky, Brigadier

General Julius White:

Staff (Louisa, Ky) 5 ..... 5

Troops in district 63 1,081 1,677

Total District of 68 1,081 1,682

Easters Kentucky

Cincinnati, Lieutenant 16 154 258

Colonel Seth Eastman

Covington, Colonel 31 590 765

Jackson A. Lucy

Newport Barracks, 4 157 219

Lieutenant Colonel

Seth Eastman

Total Cincinnati, 51 901 1,242

Covington, &c

Camp Dennisio, Ohio, 24 418 570

Lieutenant Colonel

George W. Neff

Camp Chase, Ohio, 35 785 1,031

Colonel August V.


Columbus, Ohio, 4 128 157

Lieutenant James P. W.


Total Camps Dennison 63 1,331 1,758

and Chase and Columbus

District of Central

Kentucky, Brigadier

General Q. A. Gillmore:

Staff (Lexington, Ky.) 10 ...... 10

Lexington, Ky 186 4,220 5,337

Paris, Ky 72 1,389 1,641

Mount Sterling, Ky 33 670 989

Danville, Ky 24 420 483

Total District of 325 6,699 8,460

Central Kentucky

Camp Douglas, III. 87 1,149 1,633

Brigadier General

Jacob Ammen

Camp Butler, III., 31 626 891

Colonel William F.


Total Camps Douglas 118 1,775 2,524

and Butler

Pieces of artillery.

Command. Aggregate Heavy Field.


and absent

Department staff 34 ......... ...........

(Cincinnati, Ohio)

District of Western

Kentucky, Brigadier

General J. T. Boyle:

Staff (Louisville, Ky.) 18 ........ .........

Bowling Green and 4,769 ......... 2

Russellville, Brigadier

General Henry M.


Munfordville, &c., 5,169 5 4

Brigadier General

Edward H. Hobson

Lebanon 1,502 ....... ........

Henderson, Lebanon, 5,676 2 8

Louisville, &c

Total District of 17,134 7 14

Western Kentucky

District of Eastern

Kentucky, Brigadier

General Julius White:

Staff (Louisa, Ky) 5 ........ ........

Troops in district 2,100 ....... 4

Total District of 2,105 ........ 4

Easters Kentucky

Cincinnati, Lieutenant 531 ........ ........

Colonel Seth Eastman

Covington, Colonel 709 ......... .........

Jackson A. Lucy

Newport Barracks, 222 ......... .....

Lieutenant Colonel

Seth Eastman

Total Cincinnati, 1,552 ......... ........

Covington, &c

Camp Dennisio, Ohio, 699 ..... ....

Lieutenant Colonel

George W. Neff

Camp Chase, Ohio, 1,186 ...... ......

Colonel August V.


Columbus, Ohio, 167 ....... .......

Lieutenant James P. W.


Total Camps Dennison 2,052 ....... ....

and Chase and Columbus

District of Central

Kentucky, Brigadier

General Q. A. Gillmore:

Staff (Lexington, Ky.) 11 ....... ......

Lexington, Ky 6,199 ....... 14

Paris, Ky 2,519 .... .....

Mount Sterling, Ky 1,134 ..... ......

Danville, Ky 853 ..... ......

Total District of 10,716 ..... 14

Central Kentucky

Camp Douglas, III. 2,092 ...... ......

Brigadier General

Jacob Ammen

Camp Butler, III., 1,317 .... ....

Colonel William F.


Total Camps Douglas 3,409 .... .....

and Butler


Department staff 33 ..... 33

District of Western 561 9,164 12,055


District of Eastern 68 1,081 1,682


Cincinnati, Covington, 51 901 1,242


Camps Dennison and 63 1,351 1,758

Chase and Columbus

District of Central 325 6,699 8,460


Camps Douglas and Butler 118 1,775 2,524

Total 1,219 20,951 27,754


Department staff 34 .... ....

District of Western 17,134 7 14


District of Eastern 2,105 ..... 4


Cincinnati, Covington, 1,552 .... .....


Camps Dennison and 2,052 ...... ......

Chase and Columbus

District of Central 10,716 ...... 14


Camps Douglas and Butler 3,409 ...... .....

Total 37,002 7 32


Washington City, April 1, 1863.

Major General W. S. ROSECRANS,

Murfreesborough, Tenn.:

The following supplies have gone forward to you by last conveyance, namely: Five thousand sets of horse equipments, 6,000 Colt's pistols,

Page 198 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. [Chap .XXXV.