Today in History:

106 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 106 KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXXV.

sources, I am disposed to believe the rebels contemplate mischief in this quarter, and that I shall consequently retain any troops now in the department, whether under orders for other departments or not, till matters become somewhat more settled, unless orders from your headquarters direct otherwise. I also inclose a letter from Brigadier General S. P. Carter, inclosing a communication from Honorable J. B. Rodgers, of Tennessee, asking that steps be taken to organize a force from the loyal Tennesseeans, Carolinians, and Georgians, now concealed in the fastness of the mountains of Tennessee. Perhaps something might be done in this way, but the experience of those who have attempted to rails regiments from this material have not been flattering. Possibly if placed under the direct management of General Carter, an East tennessean himself, the effort might meet with greater success. I would, therefore, recommend that authority for enlisting these men be given, under such restrictions as the War Department or the General-in-Chief may prescribe, and that arms and equipments be sent here at once for issue to the troops when raised; and I would further urgently request that any troops from other departments that can be spared, to the number of from 5,000 to 10,000, be sent to Kentucky without delay.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, Commanding.


LOUISVILLE, KY., March 3, 1863.

Major General HORATIO G. WRIGHT,

Commanding Department of the Ohio:

GENERAL: I inclose a letter from Honorable J. B. Rodgers, of Tennessee, with copy of a petition presented by him to the Secretary of War, asking that steps be taken to organize Tennessee refugees, who are said to be in the mountains to the number of 4,000 men, and to equip them for service. I respectfully request that you will give the subject your early attention, and order such steps to be taken as will lead to the speedily relief of my suffering fellow Tennessee.

I learned yesterday, through Governor Robinson, that he had good reason to believe, on information received confidentially, the rebels intend to invade Kentucky between the 18th and 20th instant from at least two quarters. A force of some 7,000 men are to enter the State from the east, and about the same number from the south; the latter under John [H.] Morgan; both forces are to be mounted. Arrangements, the report says, have been made with secession citizens to burn the bridges on the railroads, and otherwise obstruct the passage of cars.

I lay the matter before you for your consideration and action.

I am, general, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General of Volunteers.


WASHINGTON CITY, February 20, 1863.


Lexington, Ky.:

Honorable E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:

SIR: Please authorize General Samuel [P.] Carter, under the direction of General Wright, commanding the Department of the Ohio, to accept the services and to or

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