Today in History:

675 Series I Volume XXIII-I Serial 34 - Tullahoma Campaign Part I

Page 675 Chapter XXXV. MORGAN'S OHIO RAID.

to say that nearly the entire communicate from all the surrounding counties was out with such arms as they could raise, either prepared to resist his advance of to give information of his movements. The presence of Porther's regiment at Portland undoubtedly turned Morgan north when within 4 miles of the river. The same may be said of Bemus at La Grange.

I have no report from general Shackelford direct. His command, although much broken down, kept up an energetic pursuit of Morgan, following him generally at a distance of 3 or 4 miles. Morgan;'s advantage, by collecting fresh horses, was such that this command would have been unable to overtake him had he not been obstructed'in his front.

The assistance derived from railroad, especially from the Cleaveland and Pittsburg road, was of the utmost importance to the success of this capture. My thanks are due to the president of the road, Mr. J. N. McCullough, and also to Judge Jewett, of the Steubenville and Indiana road, for their able co-operation.

I respectfully inclose the reports of majors Way* and Rue+; also report of Colonel Gallagher, commanding a regiment of Pennsylvania militia.

My thanks are due to Captain W. R. Howe, assistant adjutant-general, volunteer service, and Lieutenant D. D. Wheeler, aide-de-camp, Fourth Vermont Volunteers, the only officers of my staff with me, for the energy and zeal displayed in the discharge of their respective duties.

Very respectfully,




Numbers 17. Report of Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher, Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania Militia.

CAMP BROOKS, August 3, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor top you the part taken by my regiment in the capture of General Morgan while in Ohio, during the 24th, 25th, and 26th of July.

On the 24th, I moved from camp near Wilkinsburg, Pa, to Mingo Junction, Ohio, on the Pittsburg and Wheeling Railroad, by your order. We lay there guarding that ford all night, but without effecting anything further or learning as to the whereabouts of the enemy.

The next morning (Saturday, the 25th) we moved by your order to Rush Run, 15 miles below Steubenville, on the same railroad, reaching there about 6 a. m. The regiment was immediately drawn up by companies on the right and left of a defile thought which the enemy must pass to reach the pass at this point.

Scouts were sent out thought the surrounding country, and strong pickets placed at the points most likely to intercept their advance. The advance guard of the enemy's force came upon our pickets soon after their placed, causing their immediate retreat. Turing from our position, General Morgan proceeded


* Not found. + See p. 667.


Page 675 Chapter XXXV. MORGAN'S OHIO RAID.