Today in History:

728 Series I Volume XXXVIII-V Serial 76 - The Atlanta Campaign Part V


by General Kilpatrick's cavalry, upon whom they advanced in three lines. The cavalry held their position until their ammunition was exhausted, when they retired across the bridge, but were not followed up, nor have they been by the enemy. Upon learning the situation of General Kilpatrick, General Giles A. Smith's division, of Blair's corps, was moved over to protect the train and to repulse any attack on my right. I directed General Carlin to cover the Fayetteville road so that my right flank and trains may be considered sufficiently protected. The First Regiment Missouri Engineers, which reported during the day over 1,000 strong, now occupies the works vacated by General Blair's command. I have published the contents of your very gratifying letter to this command. I inclosed I send you the latest dispatch from the signal officer. It would appear that the enemy contemplates making connection again with his forces at East Point or Atlanta.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,




LOOKOUT STATION, August 31, 1864-6.10 p. m.

Captain HOWARD:

A very strong column of the enemy is now moving to their right. Has been moving about three-quarters of an hour. They pass directly through town toward Atlanta.


Lieutenant and Acting Signal Officer, Fifteenth Army Corps.

Near Jonesborough, Ga., August 31, 1864.

Major General JOHN A. LOGAN,

Commanding Fifteenth Army Corps:

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following as my report for the day. Lieutenant Fish, of this detachment, reports as follows:

In the morning Lieutenant Edge and self made a station of observation in a tall pine, where we had a good view of town and a portion of the enemy's lines, that fronting First and Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps. In front of these divisions the enemy had massed a large force. In an open field fronting the First Division a line of battle was formed extending up into the timber to their left out of sight. A battery of four guns was with this line. Lieutenant Edge went down to the line to direct our battery in firing, I watching the shots and signaling to him the effect and range. While engaged in signaling to him this line of battle was formed, faced to the rear, and marched back to the edge of the timber about 100 yards, the battery put in position, and a barricade of rails made. Another column moved up a formed in their front and moved obliquely toward the right of First Division, Fifteenth Corps. A portion of their line was badly broken up by our shells and ran in wild confusion, but rallied on reaching cover, and reformed their lines. At this time two batteries opened on our line and cross-fired on my tree, a good many shells bursting in and around it. Nearly all their shells passed over our main line. I had to leave my tree, and reported what I had seen to the general commanding the corps. As soon as it was possible I went back to my station, saw the enemy busily engaged in removing their dead and wounded. A large detail was at work with stretchers, and their ambulances very active. At 5 p. m. a column of the enemy moved from the left up in front of the First and Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, and formed two lines of battle, placed a battery in position, and made preparation as if intending another charge.

I immediately reported this to the commanding general personally, them went back to my tree; found a very heavy column of the enemy, both infantry and artillery, moving to their right. This column was nearly n hour and a half passing a