Today in History:

939 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


In fri=ont of Atlanta, Ga., August 2, 1864.

In obedience to orders I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the troops under my command (to wit, General Gholson's brigade, Youngblood's battalion of mechanics, and my own brigade) in the engagement near the Poor-House, on the Lick Skillet road, southwest of Atlanta, Ga., on July 28:

Major Youngblood's battalion was attached to my brigade on 26th of July, and General Gholson's brigade, under command of Colonel John McGuirk, was temporality assigned to my command at 12 m. on 28th, and but a short time before we moved out to meet the enemy. About 1 p. m. the division, moving left in front (with my command on the right, with Gholson's brigade on the left, Youngblood's battalion in center, and my own brigade on the right), moved out the Lick Skillet road about one mile and a half from our works, and at the Poor-House formed in line of battle in the road and on the right on General Cantey's brigade, General Quarles' brigade being in reserve. We moved forward over an open field some 200 yards wide, and on the opposite side of the field encountered the enemy's skirmishers and drove them into their works. Youngblood's battalion got in some confusion, and many of them left the field, though a number of them acted very well. The order to charge was given, and the command present forward to within thirty or forty yards of the enemy's works, where they were met with a terrific fire from the front, and were enfilade on my right (there being no support on my right), and the command was compelled to fall back some forty or fifty yards, were some protection was afforded by rails, &c. This position was held for some three hours under a most galling and destructive fire. Having no support on my right, and the enemy's left extending some beyond my right, I had two companies of my right regiment deployed and extended some 300 yards to the right of my line, where they afterward connected with the skirmish line from General Holtzclaw's brigade, of Clayton's division. Colonel McGuirk, without orders from me, but from some field officer, ordered a second charge on the enemy's works, but was compelled to fall back after suffering considerable loss. General Quarles' brigade was ordered forward to support General Cantey's, and to fill up the space in my command between Gholson's brigade and my own brigade, at first occupied by Youngblood's battalion. The battle continued to rage with great fury until 5 a. m., when it abated to some extent, and shortly after we received orders to leave a skirmish line and withdraw our forces to the road. The command was withdraw in good order and moved up the left some half a mile, where temporary defensive works of rails were erected. After we withdrew from the battle-field our skirmishers were relieved by skirmishers from General Loring's division, when they rejoined the command. About 10 p. m. the command, along with the division, was moved inside the works.

The officers and men of General Gholson's brigade behaved with great gallantry. Its loss was very heavy, particularly in officers.

Major Youngblood's battalion being composed of men who had never been in battle before, did not behave with the coolness and courage of veterans, though some of them acted very gallantly, and among these I would mention the adjutant, Lieutenant White.

The officers and men of my own brigade proper, with few exceptions, acted well their part.