Today in History:

694 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


roads for raiders from direction of West Point railroad. Every precaution has been taken by the commanding general to keep our line of communication from being cut by the enemy. Adjutant and Inspector-General Wayne has been directed to arm and send the militia up as rapidly as possible. The enemy are reported to be moving down the river; their wagons are going down on the opposite side. Official dispatches of the 19th instant were received from Major-General Wheeler. He reports having captured Dalton and a lot of supplies, 300 fine mules, and destroyed 35 miles of railroad with the loss of only 30 men since his departure from this place. On the whole the reports of his operations are very encouraging.

August 29.-The enemy are still moving to our left and appear to have a large force of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, moving in the direction of Jonesborough and Rough and Ready, on the Macon railroad. The general commanding, in his opinion, has taken all necessary precautions, and made such disposition of his forces as to prevent either of the above-named places from falling into the enemy's hands. General Adams, commanding post at Opelika, has been instructed to look well to the defenses of that place. General Maury has been instructed to assist in the defense of Opelika against raiders. General Hardee is at East Point, with instructions from these headquarters to use his own discretion in the dispositions of troops in that quarter. General Lee was instructed to ascertain, if possible, the position of the enemy. General Armstrong was directed to advise these headquarters of the position of the enemy at dark, both cavalry and infantry. General Jackson also received instructions what disposition to make of his troops. Six prisoners were brought in to-day; one of them, named Reed, is a correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. He states that Slocum took command of Twentieth Corps on 27th, and gave us other valuable information.

August 30.-The enemy are advancing slowly in direction of Jonesborough and Rough and Ready, on Macon railroad. General Hardee has command in that quarter. General Lee is at East Point with his command, and has instructions from the commanding general to co-operate with General Hardee, and follow up his movements. The chief quartermaster, commissary, and ordnance officer have received instructions as to what disposition to make of their stores, and also what is expected of them. The corps commanders have been directed to use all their wagons in gathering an abundant supply of forage. At about 6 p.m. the enemy crossed the Flint River and made an assault upon Brigadier-General Lewis' line, but were easily repulsed.

August 31.-This morning, the enemy being in large force on the east side of Flint River, orders were sent General Hardee to advance and drive the enemy, back over the river. Accordingly, at 2 p.m., the order was given to General Hardee to move forward, and in a short time both his corps and that of General Lee were engaged with the enemy. The result is not yet known, as the enemy succeeded in cutting the Macon road at Rough and Ready, and therefore putting a stop to all telegraphic communications with General Hardee. Staff officers and couriers have been sent with instructions for General Hardee.

September 1.-The battle of yesterday commenced at 2 p.m. and continued until dark. Hardee's corps succeeded in carrying the enemy's works, but Lee's corps was repulsed. Our loss was heavy, taking into consideration that we gained nothing. Among the