Today in History:

1254 Series I Volume LI-II Serial 108 - Supplements Part II

Page 1254 MD., E. N. C., PA., VA., EXCEPT S. W., & W. VA. Chapter LXIII.

continued to hold this position until the following morning, when, in the advance of the Fifth Corps, it retired to the main line of the enemy. The duty which was devolved on me with the small portion of my division remaining with me on the right was simply to guard the right flank. No part of my command, except the regiments detached as already stated, participated in the assault made along the other portion of the line. My left maintained a connection with the right of Brooks' division during the advance. My casualties were light, amounting to not more than 10 killed and 15 wounded.

No movements of any particular importance were made on the following day, June 2, but I received orders to form my division in column of divisions in mass, with a strong line of skirmishers, and advance at 4.30 the following morning against the enemy's intrenchments, taking position on the right of General Brooks. Early in the morning, and at the hour designated, I moved my command forward, placing Stedman's brigade in advance, and followed by Stannard's. At this time neither the Ninth New Jersey Volunteers nor the Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers had joined me from White House, and the excessive marching over dry and dusty roads, and in the hot weather, had materially disabled and reduced my command. In the order above named, and under immediate supervision of the commanding general of the corps, my division, together with Brooks' division, of the Eighteenth Corps, assaulted the enemy. The line of direction was a slight ravine, to which the left of my division and the right of Brooks' were directed to conform. Woods skirted this ravine to within about seventy-five yards of the enemy's main line of intrenchments. The edge of the woods receded from the enemy's line toward my right, so that my skirmishers emerged from them on the right at a distance of about 250 yards. The enemy fell back as we advanced, but the head of my column diverged from the direction of the ravine toward the opening of the woods on the right, and went forward to the first line of the enemy's pits. the fire at this time was exceedinly severe. My columns had their bayonets fixed and pieces uncapped. They were met by a storm of grape, canister, and musket-balls not only in front but especially on my right flank, which impeded my advance and produced some disorder. Thereupon, I deployed three regiments of the Second Brigade (Stedman's) to the right to protect the remainder of my column against the galling fire on my right flank, and moved the First Brigade (Stannard's) to the left, so as to rest on the ravine indicated as the direction of my movement. At this point I received orders from the commanding general to suspend further assault until Brooks' division was put in motion on my left. During this suspension of the assault my troops were suffering severely from the enemy's fire. It was necessary to move. At this juncture the engagement was raging hotly within a few yards of my left, and which, from my point of observation, appeared to be Brooks' left; I therefore ordered the assault. The column went forward with great steadiness and intrepidity. They passed over the first line of the enemy's rifle-pits. They were within fifty yards of the enemy's main line. A fire was concentrated on the column in both flanks and in front. This assault was repeated three times before the column receded. It was impossible for any body of men to do more. They fell back but a short distance. The front was thrown into considerable disorder, but the line of battle, which had been extended, as before detailed, on my right, held its ground, and I was soon able to extend it to the ravine. This ended substantially the operations of the 3rd of June at Cold Harbor, so far as my division was

Page 1254 MD., E. N. C., PA., VA., EXCEPT S. W., & W. VA. Chapter LXIII.