Today in History:

224 Series I Volume LI-I Serial 107 - Supplements Part I

Page 224 Chapter LXIII. MD., E. N. C., PA., VA., EXCEPT S. W., &. W. VA.

enemy's batteries, blowing up two of their limbers and killing many of their horses, thus causing their guns to fall into our hands.

At this juncture the valuable services of Galbraith and himself were lost to his company, they both being severely wounded. Brown, now left in command, still kept up the fire from the battery, although his men were falling thick and fast around him, until he expended all his ammunition, when he was relieved by a battery from Major Owen's reserve artillery. During this time Richardson, on the turnpike between the two lines of works, was engaged in firing upon the enemy, who were advancing through the woods to the right of the road. Norcom and Hero fired on the enemy in their front until our infantry charged, when they ceased firing. One of the 20-pounder Parrotts captured from the enemy (by direction of General Beauregard) I turned upon the enemy's retreating column. This gun was manned by Captain Chisolm (of the general's staff), my adjutant (Lieutenant Edwin I. Kursheedt), and Sergeant-Major Randolph. On the 17th the batteries, following their respective brigades to which they had been temporarily attached, went into position with them on the old stage road. The First Company, having received the captured guns presented to them by General Beauregard on the field, was assigned for temporary duty with Brigadier General B. R. Johnson and placed by him in position in Howlett's field, on James River. On Wednesday, the 18th, at 12 m., a section of Captain Norcom's battery, under Lieutenant Battles, was, by order of Major-General Hoke, sent to the front, where it remained until dark shelling the enemy's line and keeping back his advancing column. This section was highly complimented by General Hoke for its accuracy in firing and great execution. My men having undergone severe trials and discomfiture by marches and explosure and throwing up works at night for sixteen days, now required some rest. The horses, having been kept constantly in harness day and night and subsisting on very short rations of corn, were very much jaded. With a view to the recueration of my men and horses, I was on the 21st ordered by Colonel H. P. Jones to the rear with the batteries of the Second, Third, and Fourth Companies (the First being left with General Johnson), and upon reporting to Brigadier-General Colston, commanding at Petersburg, was ordered by him to place one battery on the Swift Creek line; the Second Company was ordered to this position. Subsequently I received orders from General Colston to place one battery in Battery Numbers 2, eastern defenses of Petersburg, and another on the turnpike guarding the Swift Creek bridge. The Third Company was assigned to the former position and the Fourth to the latter.

The officers, non-commissioned, and men acted with their usual gallantry and zeal, such as has been displayed by them on many bloody fields. While all are deserving of much praise, I cannot close without paying a special tribute to Captain Owen and his officers and men who maintained their position on the 16th, although subjected to a galling fire from the enemy's infantry. Captain Richardson makes special mention of Private Wiliam Forrest, who exposed his life in replacing the colors which were twice shot down from the ramparts of Fort Stevens. To my staff officers (Major W. M. Owen and Adjt. E. I. Kursheedt) I am especially indebted for their very valuable services rendered on the field. These officers acted with their accustomed coolness and gallantry. Major Owen was ordered by General Beauregard, on the night of the 15th, to command the reserve artillery. He desires special mention made of Frank P. Villasana, chief bugler of this battalion, who was detached with Major Owen and acted as he always

Page 224 Chapter LXIII. MD., E. N. C., PA., VA., EXCEPT S. W., &. W. VA.