Today in History:

981 Series I Volume XVIII- Serial 26 - Suffolk


advanced then when "I (he) first came on the station," but nearly all that has been done in this matter has been done since I assumed command; is rapidly progressing as satisfactorily as the means at my command and the nature of the problem will permit. In this connection permit me to refer you to my report on the defenses of the Cape Fear, section headed "Obstructions," and generally. Many projects of obstructions, mostly impracticable, have been presented to me. There is, thirdly, "no uneasiness felt in the community" with which the Department has not been fully (though myself, when well founded) made acquainted, and upon which I have perhaps equal facilities with Senator Davis to enlighten it. Flag-Officer Lynch says, fourthly, "Under these circumstances I pray you to obtain authority for me to obstruct the river, which in twelve days I will be ready to defend with the North Carolina under one coat of plating." I am competent to give the authority asked and most cheerfully concede it in the same spirit in which I have always assisted and co-operated with the Navy and always shall, though i most respectfully suggest that I think the completion of the gunboats will be quite as much as the Navy authorities can attend to, the North Carolina not yet being ready for the purpose proposed on the 13th March. As to the defense, that is my affair. I will not further allude to the manifest impropriety of these letters than to notice a remark in that of Senator Davis, that he has "reason to believe that General D. H. Hill has been painfully disappointed in the defense of Wilmington." If General Hill had any such feeling it was doubtless in relation to the deficiency of the armament-a feeling shared by the department and by myself and due to the straitness of our resources and the pressing demands upon us everywhere, and not to any measures I have taken. Senator Davis in a natural, proper anxiety upon a matter of the greatest importance to himself and people, and not familiar with the subject, has no doubt misunderstood General Hill. I request that you will permit Senator Davis, if not inconsistent with the public service, to read the report upon the defenses of the Cape Fear which I had the honor to submit for the information of the President, with his permission, and that you will refer this letter to the Secretary of the Navy, to whom Flag-Officer Lynch's letter was originally addressed.

Very respectfully,



HEADQUARTERS, in Camp, April 11 [1863].

(Via Franklin April 12.)

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON:

I hope that we shall have plenty of time to re-enforce General Beauregard. It will take much time for the enemy to accomplish anything, even after his attack is begun.

I telegraphed General Hill to re-enforce as soon as he possibly can.


Kinston, N. C., April 12, 1863.

Major General D. H. HILL,

Commanding in North Carolina:

GENERAL: I have received your two notes of yesterday and have put in foot the men on the railroad. Shall act vigorously in getting