Today in History:

765 Series I Volume XVIII- Serial 26 - Suffolk


to the packing-houses, both in and out of the State of North Carolina, so that such as can go conveniently to the packeries, which Major Smith has established or will establish, may do so, and such as are more convenient to Petersburg can go to that point, whence they can be brought to this place.

3rd. That it may be necessary to procure both bags and transportation to get out the pease and potatoes and any bacon that may be attainable. As to the transportation, Mr. Hayes, in a letter to Major Ruffin, says that a few teams and wagons can be bought in his region. If they can be bought at prices satisfactory to yourself you will be authorized to buy them, and when they are done with they can be disposed of in some satisfactory manner. As to the bats, it would be very desirable to secure the services of some of the factories of North Carolina in order to get them, and as they have not been called on up to this time it is to be hoped that they will now be able to serve the needs of this Bureau. One of the greatest difficulties now is to get bats, and there are not half enough. Can you not get them? Please try.

I have been induced to ask you to undertake the above service in consequence of your communication to the President, and my notice of your address to the people of your State, indicating a readiness to help the cause in general.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


ENGINEER BUREAU, November 3, 1862.


In charge of Defenses in Eastern North Carolina:

COLONEL: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th instant relating to the defenses, disbursements, &c., in Eastern North Carolina. A requisition for $30,000 in favor of Lieutenant W. g. Bender has been made.

I am glad to hear that so satisfactory a position for the defense of the Roanoke River has been found at Rainbow Bend. The line of infantry to cover 1 1/2 miles to the pond, causing the enemy to make a detour of 15 miles, seems a good suggestion. It is not possible at present to furnish all the armament required, still platforms and positions should be prepared for formidable river batteries (a part of these platforms should be prepared for siege carriages). You will most probably have to exercise your ingenuity in mounting the guns, as the supply of guns is very limited. There are only two pile-drivers in this vicinity, both steam, with 2,000-pound hammers, and in constant use; they are, moreover, mounted on boats. They should be sought for in the section where you are, and if they cannot be found seek to have them made where you are; and failing in that, if you will send on drawings of the hammers, &c., required, I will order than to be executed at the Tredegar Works. While our foundries and machine-shops are so over tasked, and the price of labor andiron so high, I do not think screw-piles at all advisable. Before approving the suggestion of repairing the steamboat Cora, it is necessary for the Bureau to have an approximate estimate of the cost. Communicate with Major General S. G. French respecting provisions and transportation and request his co-operation. Captain C. H. Dimmock, engineer in charge at Petersburg, will be requested without delay to forward you the required amount of intrenching tools. Your call for stationery will be promptly attended to.