Today in History:

169 Series I Volume XVIII- Serial 26 - Suffolk


road, hail and receive the surrender of three mounted rebels, uniformed and armed. A bend in the road concealed the rebels the danger they were approaching, and the corporal and vedettes, though ready,made no attempt to fire. It could not have been performed quieter on the stage, and the balanced self-possession which it indicates I regard as a quality of the command. Beyond this I am satisfied by this march that there is neither corruption of politics nor infamy-of-peace notions to taint the pure patriotism of the command. It is glowing with a desire to enforce, as the country's true soldiers, a decided policy of the Government for suppressing the rebellion.

Inclosed herewith please find (marked A, B, C, D, E, and F)* a copy of my instructions; report of Lieutenant Colonel G. W. Lewis, Third New York Cavalry, of scout toward the sea-board; receipt of department provost-marshal for seven prisoners, including a commissioned officer, sergeant, corporal and four privates; report of property captured by the cavalry; report of property captured by the voltigeurs copy of my orders# relating to the expedition.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General of Volunteers, Commanding.

Lieutenant Colonel SOUTHARD HOFFMAN,

Asst. Adjt. General, Eighteenth Army Corps, New Berne, N. C.

[Inclosure A.]

New Berne, N. C., March 5, 1863.

GENERAL: By direction of the major-general commanding I have the honor to submit, for your guidance, the following points:

You will proceed with your command to Trenton by the road on the south side of Trent River. On arriving there you are to destroy the Trenton Bridge and the White Hall Bridge. The enemy in this direction will be carefully observed. You will then countermarch your command to Pollocksville and Young's Cross-Roads. From this latter point, after leaving a strong rear guard for the protection of the wagon train and such force of artillery and infantry as you may deem needful to hold that point, you will push on toward Onslow. Observing the enemy in this direction you will take a strong position with the infantry and batteries of your command, and send all the mounted force at your command to scour thoroughly the country between the White Oak and New Rivers. From the information you may be able to obtain you will be able to determine as to the expediency of pushing the reconnaissance as far as Snead's Ferry, near the mouth of the New River.

The object of this expedition is to make a strong reconnaissance in the direction of Wilmington, to ascertain the roads, the crossings of the rivers and creeks, the position of the enemy, &c., and if possible to capture or break up two companies of cavalry supposed to be between the White Oak and New Rivers.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Brigadier General HENRY PRINCE,

Commanding Fifth Division, Eighteenth Army Corps.


*Inclosure B, D, and E are Reports Nos. 8 and 9.

#They relate solely to the routine duties of troops on the march and are therefore omitted.
