Today in History:

730 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I

Page 730 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

had passed Warrenton my regiment was for the first time assembled. Finding over 100 unarmed recruits added to my regiment, I was sent to Richmond to get arms, and while en route for that place General Jackson started after Banks. I joined his command at Winchester and reported for duty. The Sixth and Second Cavalry were then under the command of Brigadier General George H. Steuart. My regiment had been employed in tearing up the railroad near Front Royal (Lieutenant-Colonel Watts' report has already been sent in) and guarding the flank of the division and constantly skirmishing with the enemy, and as soon as they had commenced their retreat they were pursued by the Sixth and Second on the turnpike to within 5 miles of Winchester, capturing a number of men, wagons, arms, and stores. My regiment supported the Sixth in their charge upon the First Maryland (Yankee infantry) and were constantly engaged picking up stragglers until the morning of the battle of Winchester; there they supported a battery on the right until after the rout of the enemy, when they pursued them on the road to Martinsburg, capturing many prisoners, wagons, arms, negroes. &c., the enemy making a stand at that place. It was not entered until the next day. Here I joined my regiment. Captains Dickinson, of Company A, and Whitehead, of Company E, were sent to destroy the bridge on Back Creek, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railraod, at North Mountain Depot. They captured many valuable stores, which they sent to Martinsburg, to add to the splendid prize found in that town.

Ont eh 28th of May I took two squadrons of my regiment to within 1 mile of Williamsport, with one piece of artillery from the Baltimore Battery, and had a brisk skirmish with the Yankees, giving them several telling round of shell, but was unable to pursue, as they opened their batteries from the other side of the river. I was then recalled by General Steuart, when I sent for the rest of my regiment, and every few hundred yards on the road we found evidences of a complete rout. Wagons and ambulances were burnt, tents and cooking utensils, arms and clothing, were ambulances were burnt, tents and cooking utensils, arms and clothing, were scattered along for miles and miles.

On the 29th we marched to Charlestown; supported the batteries which were engaged in shelling the enemy from Bolivar Heights. That evening I was driven from the heights. My regiment was performing heavy picket duty on all the roads on the Key Ferry road and the Harper's Ferry road, and one squadron was kept bringing Colonel Allen's regiment, Second Virginia Infantry, across the river behind them (they had been occupying Loudoun Heights). We were shelled nearly all night, and had nothing for men or horses to eat for twenty-four hours.

We marched from Charlestown to Kernstown on the 30th; had no feed for our horses; and on the morning of June 1 we started at early dawn to cover our retreat to Strasburg, at which place we were kept in line of battle nearly the whole day, watching for the approach of both Shields and Fremont. Then we got about a third of a ration of corn for our horses.

That night we were halted in rear of General Taylor's brigade, who were cooking rations about two and one-half hours. The Sixth Regiment (cavalry) was in the rear, and our men were completely worn down and most of them sleeping on their horses. Captain Dulany, now colonel of the Seventh Cavalry, was in command of the rear guard, [and] was approached by the Yankee cavalry. It was dark, and when challenged they replied, "Ashby's cavalry." Having been previously informed that General Ashby had one company out, he allowed them to

Page 730 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.