Today in History:

268 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I

Page 268 OPERATIONS IN N. VA.,W. VA.,AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

Question by the COURT. Was there any such communication from General Porter received by General McDowell, or any other officer near him, after you left the head of General Porter's column and before General McDowell proceeded with his corps toward Sudley Springs?

Answer. We left General Porter on full gallop, and on arriving the order was immediately given to General Patrick, of King's division, to counter-march. I was the whole time quite near the general, and did not see any messenger from General Porter. Soon after giving this order General McDowell dismounted in the place previously referred to, and remained there until nearly the whole of Ricketts' division passed. He then mounted again and I went to the head of the column, and did not see any messenger during that time.

Question by the COURT. During the time you have described, did you hear of any message, verbal or written, sent to General Porter that he had better remain for the present where he was or to that effect?

Answer. I did not.

The recorder reported to the court that Brigadier-General Milroy, a witness, had not yet reported his presence. An extract from the report of Brigadier-General Milroy, which report is dated Headquarters Independent Brigade, near Fort Ethan Allen, Va., September 12, 1862, was read by the recorder, and is appended to the proceedings of this day, marked B.

First Lieutenant WASHINGTON ROEBLING, Sixth New York Independent Battery, a witness, was duly sworn.

Question by General McDOWELL. What was your rank and position in the United States service on the 30th day of August last and on what duty were you at that time?

Answer. Second lieutenant. I was assigned to the corps of General McDowell by the Quartermaster-General for the purpose of building military suspension bridges.

Question by General McDOWELL. Were you present near General McDowell on the 30th of August last, on the occasion of General Milroy's coming to him and asking for re-enforcements?

Answer. I was.

Question by General McDOWELL. How near did General Milroy ride to General McDowell before he commenced speaking to him?

Answer. He approached to within 50 to 75 feet of him.

Question by General McDOWELL. How were you placed with respect to General McDowell and General Milroy; to which were you the nearer?

Answer. I was nearest to General McDowell. I was on General McDowell's left and a few feet to his rear, facing General Milroy.

Question by General McDOWELL. What was General Milroy's manner and state of mind, apparently, when he spoke to General McDowell?

Answer. He was in a very excited state of mind. He spoke at the top of his voice. He was waving his sword and his hat was off.

Question by General McDOWELL. What was the substance of what he said?

Answer. My impression of what he said is as follows: "For God's sake, general, send a few regiments into these woods; my poor men are being cut to pieces. If you send me some re-enforcements we will be able to drive the enemy back again." In addition to that, General Milroy made use of very many expressions which had apparently no connection with each other and which I don't precisely remember.

Page 268 OPERATIONS IN N. VA.,W. VA.,AND MD. Chapter XXIV.