Today in History:

884 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 884 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

General Hardee was at Macon on Sunday; have not heard from him since. Sherman seems to be moving on Augusta and Savannah, 45,000 strong. I can as yet count only 4,000 for defense here. Am gathering all. People show little spirit.

B. D. FRY,

Brigadier - General.

AUGUSTA, November 22, 1864.

General S. COOPER:

An intelligent lieutenant, with fifteen scouts, has just reported he followed enemy from Easton Mountain to Morgan County, and came here by railroad, which we still use to Greensborough. Twentieth and Fourteenth Corps, under Slocum, form left of Sherman's army, and are moving down Oconee River; may move others on Augusta or Savannah. Have just heard from General Hardee, at Macon, date yesterday; says he will come here.

B. D. FRY,

Brigadier - General.

AUGUSTA, November 22, 1864.

President DAVIS:

Have not been able to see General Wayne today; hope to do so tomorrow. I have reliable authority that Milledgeville was not occupied by the enemy as late as 3 o'clock Sunday morning. A company of cavalry has just reached here, which left Macon late Saturday afternoon. They marched directly from there, passing through Milledgeville, and saw no enemy on their route.


MACON, November 22, 1864.

Major - General WHEELER,

In the Field:

GENERAL: I am directed by Lieutenant - General Taylor to instruct you to send a company, immediately on receipt of this, under a strictly reliable and competent, around to some safe point on the Georgia Central Railroad, and between the enemy and Savannah, with instructions to station his men at suitable distances, and apply by telegraph to the commanding officer at Savannah, in Lieutenant - General Taylor's name, for full information as to the condition of affairs eastward and toward Augusta, and report the same fully and promptly to this place.

Most respectfully, General, you obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant - General.

FLORENCE, November 22, 1864.

Captain W. F. NANCE:

Yours dispatch received twenty-four hours after date. Meriweather's battalion was sent by General Hardee's orders to Augusta before your dispatch was written. I suppose from date, &c., it was for same purpose your ordered Williams. Who is in command of the department?


Colonel, Commanding.

Page 884 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.