Today in History:

882 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 882 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

TENNILLE, November 22, 1864.

Major - General McLAWS:

Please send 5,000 rations (breadstuffs, meat, and salt) to Oconee bridge; 4,000 rounds 69 and 6,000 rounds 54.


Major - General.

CHARLESTON, November 22, 1864.

Major - General McLAWS:

Dispatch received. Telegraph communication with General Hardee, at Macon, is broken. It is suggested that General Wayne may be able to communicate with him and get his orders on the subject matter of your telegram. Do you or General Wayne want a map of Georgia?

T. B. ROY,

Assistant Adjutant - General.

OCONEE, November 22, 1864.

Major - General McLAWS:

One hundred and eighty-five enlisted men you sent up, 145 cadets, 200 militia - my cavalry and artillery horses have not yet come up - total, 530 men. No medical supplies or instruments.


Major - General.

OCONEE, November 22, 1864.

General McLAWS:

My cavalry and artillery horses just in; reported the force of the enemy at Gordon at 2,400; a portion went up the Milledgeville road, and the rest this way, tearing up both roads. Heavy cannonading now going on in the direction of Macon; firing rapid.


Major - General.

OCONEE BRIDGE, November 22, 1864.

Major - General McLAWS:

I have just received information that seems reliable that a heavy force of the enemy entered Gordon last evening after I left it, and this morning started for this bridge. Macon was to be attacked last evening or this morning. The enemy are moving, it seems, down the country on Macon or Augusta and down this road.


Major - General.

OCONEE, November 22, 1864.

Captain R. W. B. ELLIOTT:

In falling back from Gordon I have lost eighteen of my artillery horses, leaving me but six. I intend pressing eighteen from the farmers in the adjacent country. Can you supply me with artillery harness? Please answer at once.


Major - General.

Page 882 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.