Today in History:

398 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 398 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

December 18, 1864.

Report of casualties in the Ninth Michigan Cavalry from November 14, 1864, to December 17, 1864*.


Colonel, Commanding Regiment.

Numbers 153. Report of Colonel Thomas T. Heath, Fifth Ohio Cavalry. HEADQUARTERS FIFTH OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY, Near King's Bridge, Ga., December 23, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report that the Fifth Ohio Cavalry (with the First Squadron Ohio Cavalry temporarily attached), with an aggregate of 563 men, marched with the Second Bridge, Colonel S. D. Atkins commanding, from Marietta, Ga., on the 14th of November, 1864, on the expedition ending with the occupation of Savannah by our forces.

Just previous to marching 440 men of my regiment, and 9 officers, whose terms of service had expired, were ordered to Ohio to be mustered out of service. Myself and 11 other officers were retained on the order of Major-General Howard, commanding Army and Department of the Tennessee, though entitled to be ordered to Ohio for muster out of service on the 14th of November, 1864. During this most arduous campaign both officers and men have done their whole duty, never discontented at nor flagging in the routine of day and night marches, building breast-works, destroying railroads, picket, skirmish, and battle, through thirty-eight days and nights in an enemy's country. I am proud to say, that for intelligent and ready execution of all orders received, as well as for valorous action on the battle-field, my officers and men deserve the highest commendation, have my thanks, and promptly received acknowledgment in general orders from brigade and division commanders. Dogged by a president and relentless enemy from East Point to the walls of Savannah, through woods and swamps hitherto considered impracticable, the Fifth Ohio Cavalry has done its full share of every work, participated in every engagement, and never faltered. At Macon it supported the gallant Tenth Ohio in its charge, while one battalion tore up the railroad. On the 28th of November the First Brigade was hardly pressed in the swamp at Buck Head Creek. This regiment was ordered by Colonel Atkins to go to the rear and cover the crossing of the brigade. Moving rapidly to the rear, it took position, dismounted, threw up barricades of rails, planted its section of howitzers to cover the bridge, enabled the whole brigade to cross in safety, and checked the advance of Wheeler's whole force, which was exultingly pressing the rear. When the smoke of our discharge of canister had cleared away the rebels who were crowded on the causeways to the bridge were not seen, and Captain William Jessup, Company D, with twenty of his men, under the fire of their riflemen daringly burned and completely destroyed the bridge, while shells from the howitzers compelled the enemy to ploy and seek crossing above and below. After two hours, finding the enemy was crossing at


* Nominal list (omitted) shows 3 enlisted men killed, 3 commissioned officers and 12 enlisted men wounded, and 2 commissioned officers and 12 enlisted men missing.


Page 398 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.