Today in History:

215 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


Ogeechee at Coward's Bridge after repairing it, and encamped on the right of the Third Division. Weather warm. Road swampy. Supplies scarce. Poor country. Distance, ten miles.

December 1. -Order of march: Cavalry, Second Division, Michigan Engineers, First and Third Divisions. Weather warm. Road swampy. Supplies more plenty. Distance, thirteen miles.

December 2. -Order of march: Cavalry, Second Division, Michigan Engineers, First and Third Divisions. The cavalry drove in the rebel pickets near Buck Head Church. Weather cloudy. Road good, except the crossing Buck Head Creek, the bridges across the swamp being partially destroyed. Supplies abundant. Distance, eleven miles.

December 3. -Order of march: Cavalry, First Division, Michigan Engineers, Third and Second Division. Weather cloudy. Clear in the afternoon. Road good. Supplies plenty. Distance, fifteen miles.

December 4. -Order of march: Cavalry, First Division, Michigan Engineers, Third and Second Division. Weather fine. Road swampy. Supplies not so plenty. Distance, fifteen miles.

December 5. -Order of march: Third, Second, and First Divisions. Cavalry sent to communicate with Fourteenth Corps. Michigan Engineers ordered to army headquarters. Weather fine. Road fair. Supplies plenty. Distance, six miles.

December 6. -Order of march: Cavalry, Third, Second, and First Divisions. Weather good. It rained during the night. Road fair- swampy. Supplies plenty. Distance, thirteen miles.

December 7. -Order of march: Cavalry, Third, Second, and First divisions. Weather, raining in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon. Road fair, but swampy. The crossing of Jacks Creek, near Springfield, was very bad. Supplies abundant. Distance, ten miles.

December 8. -Order of march: Cavalry, Second, First, Third Divisions, and train. Weather fine. Road good until the troops struck the Eden Cross-Road, which was very swampy. Supplies plenty. Distance, ten miles.

December 9. -Order of march: Cavalry, First, Second, and Third Division. The First Division repulsed the enemy near Monteith. Weather cloudy. Road, good pike. Supplies plenty. Distance, nine miles.

December 10. -Order of march: Cavalry, First, Third, and Second Divisions. First Division destroyed Charleston railroad. The troops captured steamer Ida and burnt it. Weather cloudy. Road, good pike. Distance, ten miles.

December 11. -The troops moved into position in front of the enemy's works. The Third Division established connection with Seventeenth Corps, which was that day relieved by the Fourteenth Corps. Breast-works thrown up. Twenty-second Wisconsin and Battery I, First New York Artillery, moved to the Savannah River. Eighty-second and One hundred and first Regiments Illinois Volunteer, and Sixty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteers stationed at Cherokee Hill. Weather fine, but cold. Supplies scanty. A quantity of rice was found and a mill set to running to prepare if for the troops.


December 12. -Third Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers crossed to Argyle Island. Steamer Resolute captured.

December 13. -The remainder of the Third Brigade, First Division, moved to Cherokee Hill to protect the rear, and formed connection on it left with portion of Fourteenth Corps.