Today in History:

182 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 182 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

189 horses, 586 mules, 6 jacks and 1 jenny, and 418 head of cattle, in addition to the number used during the campaign; third, 17 miles of railroad destroyed; fourth, but three rations of bread and two of salt meat were issued to my command from Atlanta to Savannah, the men always having an abundant supply furnished by forage details; fifth, the mules of my trains and artillery horses were in much finer condition at the end than at the commencement of the campaign; sixth, no cotton gins, cotton, nor other property destroyed by my order.

Casualties: Killed, 8; wounded, 16; missing, 57; total, 81.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Brigadier-General, Commanding Second Division.

[Lieutenant Colonel A. C. MCCLURG,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

Consolidated casualty report of Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, from September 3 to December 22, 1864.

Killed. Wounded.

Command. Officers. Men. Officers. Men.

First . . . 2 . . . 3


Second . . . . 1 . . . 6


Third . . . 4 . . . 7


Battery I, 1 . . . . . . . . .




Grand total. 1 7 . . . 16

Missing. Total.

Command. Officers Men. Officers Men. Aggregate.

First . . . . 9 . . . 14 14


Second . . . 20 . . . 27 27


Third . . . 28 . . . 39 39


Battery I, . . . . . . 1 . . . 1




Grand total. . . . . 57 1 80 81

Numbers 64. Journal of Second Division.

November 15. -Division moved at 6 a. m. ; crossed the river and arrived at rebel works at 10 a. m. ; closed on transportation of First Division; halted until 1. 30 p. m., then moved to camp southeast of town. Town on fire at several places, which spread by dark to the main part of town. Orders to move at 12 m. to-morrow, following Twentieth Corps; order from General Sherman announcing the army divided into two wings: General Howard to command the Right (Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps), General Slocum the Left (Fourteenth and Twentieth Corps); Right Wing gone toward Jonesborough, and Twentieth Corps to the left this morning; quartermaster busy issuing clothing to-night.

November 16. -Division moved at 11 a. m. in the rear of First and Third Divisions; marched ten miles; camped on Snapfinger Creek; headquarters at Lee's house.

November 17. -Division moved at 7 a. m. ; marched sixteen miles, passing through Lithonia, destroying four miles of railroad, commencing one mile and a half east of town, camping at Conyers Station, thirty miles from Atlanta by railroad.

November 18. -Division moved at 6 a. m. ; marched sixteen miles, crossing Yellow River and Ulcofauhachee; camped half a mile east of latter stream. Troops destroyed three miles of railroad east from Covington; trains passed through town.

Page 182 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.