Today in History:

146 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 146 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

Thus ended a march of some 375 miles through the heart of Georgia, a march memorable for the ease and rapidity by which it was accomplished and the good, soldierly conduct of the men.

My losses were 1 man of the Fifty-seventh and 1 of the Fiftieth Illinois Infantry, died of disease; and 1 of the Fifty-seventh and 1 of the Seventh Illinois Infantry, wounded.

I have the honor to be, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant Colonel Fifty-seventh Illinois Infantry, Commanding Brigade.

Captain A. W. EDWARDS,

Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, fourth Div., Fifteenth Army Corps.

No. 42. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Hector Perrin, Seventh Illinois Infantry. HEADQUARTERS SEVENTH Illinois VOLUNTEERS, Savannah, Ga., January-, 1865.

SIR: *

On the 19th [November] I was directed by orders from the general commanding division to mount my command, capturing for that purpose stock and equipments in the country. I succeeded during the campaign to mount six companies, numbering in all 5 commissioned officers and 120 enlisted men. On the 27th the dismounted portion of my command, under Major Edward S. Johnson, moved with the brigade to the Georgia Central Railroad for the purpose of destroying it. By direction of General, commanding division I proceeded with the mounted portion to Station 13, at which place I rejoined the command in the evening of the same day. From that date to the 8th of December the dismounted portion kept its place in line of march with the brigade, and the mounted was sent scouting on the flanks of the column.

On the 9th, the division having crossed the Ogeechee River near Station No. 2, I was directed to take the advance with the mounted men. I proceeded as far as the cross-roads, where I met the enemy in force; had a skirmish of about one hour's duration, when, finding the enemy intrenched, I retired, having had one man severely wounded, whom I left at a house, not being able to take him farther; he was taken to Savannah by the enemy (made his escape since). I then returned to the command, camped on the Ogeechee and Savannah Canal. On the 9th I moved in advance of the Second Brigade with the mounted men, leaving Major Johnson in command of the footmen, within a short distance of the cross-roads. I move on the flanks of the infantry and skirmished with the enemy during the engagement that followed. After taking possession of the cross-roads, by direction of the general commanding division, I proceed with one company to the Gulf railroad, which I destroyed effectually for a distance of about 200 yards, thereby stopping and capturing a locomotive and train of cars, which were destroyed by fire; I also capture 25 prisoners, which I turned


*For portion of report (here omitted) relating to operations in North Georgia, see VOL. XXXIX, Part I, p. 779.


Page 146 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.