Today in History:

122 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 122 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

there is hardly any way to do them full justice. The conduct of Captain Grimes, Forty-eight Illinois Volunteers, commanding skirmish line, silencing two of the 10-inch guns bearing on our front, by his sharpshooters, and in his hand-to-hand with Captain Clinch, ought to be noticed in general orders. Captain Smith, of the same regiment, who rejoined us on the 27th of November, 1864, after escaping from Columbia, S. C., was the first man in the fort, and was killed inside of it. He was a gallant officer. The flag of the Seventieth Ohio was the first on the fort, though the gallant veterans of the Forty-eighth and Ninetieth Illinois were there with them almost at the same time. Both color bearers of the Forty-eighth were killed with torpedoes. The color bearer of the Seventieth Ohio was also killed just as he handed the flag to a comrade when climbing over the abatis. The men on this command under fire cannot be surpassed. The only order I gave them was that when the "forward" was sounded to march steadily until they reached our skirmishers and then go in. The action lasted twelve minutes. Our loss was 76 officers and men killed and wounded. The results of this action were most important; our communications were at once fully established. Captures in the fort by division were 24 guns, about 200 prisoners, medical stores, quartermaster's stores, a large quantity of ordnance stores, ammunition, and small-arms. A garrison flag was taken by Captain Nelson, of my staff, and sent to your headquarters. On the 14th the Seventieth Ohio Volunteers, on account of the conspicuous part taken by them in the capture of the forty yesterday, was ordered to garrison it. 17th, left camp with three regiments - Ninety-ninth Indiana, Forty-eight Illinois, and Fifteenth Michigan Volunteers - for the Gulf railroad. Returned on the 21st, having marched forty miles and destroyed seven miles of the road, burning every tee and twisting every rail. On the morning of the 22nd our troops entered Savannah. The Third Brigade of this division consists of the Fifteenth Michigan Veteran Volunteer Infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Hutchinson commanding; Ninetieth Illinois Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart commanding; Seventieth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Philips commanding; Ninety-ninth Indiana Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Berkey commanding; and Forty-eight Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, Major Adams commanding. I know of no troops in our army that surpass them in heroism and self-devotion - but few, very few, equal them.

To my staff I have been greatly indebted for success - Captain La Point, acting assistant adjutant-General; Captain Nelson, acting assistant inspector-General; Lieutenant Brown, acting aide-de-camp. I thank them all sincerely for the manner in which they have discharged their duties. Lieutenant John Doyle, acting assistant quartermaster of this brigade, deserves special mention. His discharge of duty has been perfect, and I would especially recommend his promotion.

To yourself and other officers of the division staff I offer my hearty thanks for the courtesy and for the many acts which have shown how well and thoroughly you have striven for the success of all in this campaign.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, commanding.

Captain G. LOFLAND,

Asst. Adjt. General, second Division, Fifteenth Army Corps.

Page 122 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.