Today in History:

1103 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II


and State troops, on whom must rely. Have all, told 2,347, mostly repairing to arm them. Should any arrive will send to once. Answer if satisfactory.


Major-General, &c.

Shreveport, La., March 31, 1864.

His Excellency P. MURRAH,

Governor of the State of Texas:

SIR: The enemy have massed all their forces and are moving in two heavy columns up the Red River Valley and across the State of Arkansas. I shall do the utmost in my power with the means at my disposal to check and destroy both columns. It is my duty to advise you that your State, especially in its northern section, is threatened with immediate invasion; that the means at my disposal are comparatively small and inadequate, and I urge upon the necessity of putting immediately every armed man in Texas into the field. The force at the disposal of General Magruder, the district commander of Texas was weakened and reduced at least one-half by the extraordinary demand for the conscript element made by yourself in February last. I was induced to offer the compromise which you accepted, in the belief that you would spare no efforts in calling the State troops immediately into service, and stated to you that under the Confederate could be received only by regiments, battalions, or companies.

I understand that members of the State organization have been largely furloughed and sent to their homes. If this is the case I trust that you will take steps for immediately recalling them, and will place without delay State troops under the orders of the district commander. The military strength of the district has been greatly reduced by the withdraw of troops and their concentration in the Red River Valley, and I have reason for believing that when our weakness in Texas becomes known to the enemy he will rapidly concentrate and transport an invading force to your coast. This is both practicable and probable. If the State force is promptly organized and prepared for service we can hope to meet his movements successfully. I request an answer at your earliest convenience, and ask full information in regard to the condition and organization of the State troops and the disposition you propose making of them.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



HOUSTON, March 31, 1864.

His Excellency Governor P. MURRAH:

SIR: I have just received intelligence from Lieutenant-general Smith, through Captain Wolfe, who arrived last night from Shreveport, that the enemy has 5,000 cavalry, that he has captured the only cavalry force we had in Louisiana, and that Lieutenant-General Smith entertains great fear of a raid upon Marshall and the destruction of our manufactories and supplies there, as well as the devasta-