Today in History:

917 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II


there, that may not be required for the support of the few animals at Galveston and immediate service of the post of Houston to Columbia, and thence to Perry's Landing or Brazoria, as may be deemed advisable afterward. You will send corn from the line of the Columbus railroad, Richmond, East Bernard, and Columbia itself, to Columbia, and cause the corn between the Bernard and Caney to be sent of Churchill's Ferry by flat-boats or otherwise, and the corn form Wharton and west of the Caney of be sent of Hawkins' plantation. The major-general commanding further directs that you gather all the pack-saddles that may be in the hands of quartermasters and organize a pack train forthwith, and substitute in each regiment, commencing with the mounted regiments, 8 packmules well equipped for the 6-mule wagon team now assigned to each two companies. You are authorized to impress, to use for temporary purposes, whatever teams may be necessary, boats, and other transportation to take the corn down to Churchill' Ferry and to Hawkins' plantation.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding.

Shreveport, La., January 25, 1864.

Brigadier General S. B. MAXEY:

GENERAL: I am instructed by the lieutenant-general commanding to reply to your letters of the 12th and 15th instant. In regard to the organization of the Indian troops into two or three brigades, he wishes you to exercise your own judgment. Having acted upon the best information you can obtain, in order to prompted their efficiency, he doubts not he will approve your action. The disposition made by you of your command is, he thinks, judicious. He will endeavor to strengthen you be re-enforcements, if possible, but the active operations of the enemy in Texas and preparations in lower Louisiana, looking to offensive movements in the valley of the Red River, will so much occupy his disposable force that he cannot promise much.