Today in History:

299 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II


man Mills, Jackson County, Mo., and to request from you all courtesy toward him as a gentleman, and to request from you every facility to enable him to remove his furniture to a place of safety. Should he be unable to obtain private transportation for his property from his residence to Kansas City, you will furnish him with Government transportation therefor, also an escort, provided it can be done without positive detriment to the public service.

The general commanding desires me to call your attention to the fact that he considers Hickman Mills a post remarkably well selected for the prevention of guerrilla raids into Kansas and the country surrounding Kansas City, in Missouri, and he desires you will retain a garrison at that point until further orders. The general commanding desires you to examine into the propriety of keeping a larger force at that point, and to report thereon, at your earliest convenience, to these headquarters.

Mr. Jeffreys has in possession of his banker at Kansas City a safeguard from Major-General Halleck. You will please furnish him with an additional one from your headquarters, as an additional protection to his property from the depredations of small of roving bands of our own troops, who so often are quilty of tyranical excesses toward citizens when under the leadership of non-commissioned officers or even officers of subordinate rank. A large portion of the property which Mr. Jeffreys desires to remove consists of paintings, statuary, &c.

The general is informed that the entire property of Mr. Jeffreys has been at the disposal of Union troops and Union citizens, and that Mr. Jeffreys has rendered very valuable services to the Union cause and to Union refugees in a suffering and destitute condition. I am, general, very respectfully, &c.,


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Springfield, Mo., February 11, 1864.


Provost-Marshal, District of Southwest Missouri:

MAJOR: You will, without unnecessary delay, send a suitable officer to Lawrence and Dade Counties, Mo., to obtain the following information, viz:

First. To ascertain whether or not the assistant provost-marshals in that section are enforcing as strictly as possible General Orders, Numbers 9, from these headquarters. If they have not already done so, you will see that it is enforced without any delay.

Second. To ascertain whether or not the officers in command of troops at Melville, in Dade County, have been in the habit of furnishing liquor to their enlisted men for compensation.

Third. To ascertain whether or not the people are in [fear] of the troops-that is, whether or not they do report the irregularities and crimes committed by them to their officers.

Fourth. To ascertain from Judge Price, at Mount Vernon, whether or not the term of the civil court is to be held this spring, and if not then, whether it is necessary and expedient to hold military commissions or courts-martial in that section at once.