Today in History:

919 Series I Volume XXXIII- Serial 60 - New Berne


April 20, 1864.

I. General Orders. Numbers 100, of November 5, 1863, from these headquarters,* prescribing the maximum allowance of transportation, camp and garrison equipage for this army while in the field engaged in active operations, having been modified in some particulars, the order as modified is republished, and its provisions will be strictly allowance of transportation and campo equipage, viz:

1. For the headquarters of an army corps, 2 wagons or 8 packmules for baggage, &c.; 1 two-horse wagon, 1 two-horse spring wagon, and 10 extra saddle-horses for contingent wants; 1 wall-tent for the personal use and office of commanding general, 1 wall-tent for every 2 officers of his staff.

2. For the headquarters of a division, 1 wagon or 5 pack-mules for baggage, &c.; 1 two-horse wagon, 1 two-horse spring wagon, and 5 extra saddle-horses for contingent wants; 1 wall-tent for personal use and office of commanding general, 1 wall-tent for every 2 officers of his staff.

3. For the headquarters of a brigade, 1 wagon or 5 pack-mules for baggage, &c.; 1 two-horse spring wagon and 2 extra saddle-horses for contingent wants; 1 wall-tent for personal use and office of commanding general, 1 wall-tent for every 2 officers of his staff.

4. To every 3 company officers, when detached or serving without wagons, 1 pack-mule; to every 12 company officers, when detached, 1 wagon or 4 pack-mules; to every 2 staff officers, when not attached to any headquarters, 1 pack-mule; to every 10 staff officers serving similarly, 1 wagon or 4 pack-mules.

The above wagons and pack-mules will include transportation for all personal baggage, mess-chests, cooking utensils, desks, papers, &c. The weight of officers' baggage in the field, specified by Army Regulations, will be reduced so as to bring it within the foregoing schedule. All excess of transportation and camp and garrison equipage now with army corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, or batteries over the allowance herein prescribed will be immediately turned into the quartermaster's department.

5. Commissary stores and forage will be transported by the trains. When these are not convenient of access, and when troops act in detachments, the quartermaster's department will assign wagons or pack-mules for that purpose; but the baggage of officers or of troops or camp equipage will not be carried in the wagons or on the pack animals so assigned.

6. For each regiment of infantry or cavalry and battalion of heavy artillery, for baggage, camp equipage, &c., not to exceed 2 wagons, 3 wall-tents for field and staff, 1 shelter-tent for every other commissioned officer, and 1 shelter-tent for every 2 non-commissioned officers, soldiers, servants, and camp followers.

7. For each battery, for personal baggage, mess-chests, cooking utensils, desks, papers, &c., 1 wagon, 2 wall-tents for officers; shelter tents, same allowance as for infantry and cavalry regiments.

8. For artillery ammunition trains, the number of wagons will be determined and assigned upon the following rules: Multiply the number of 12-pounder guns by 122 and divide by 112; multiply the number of rifled guns by 50 and divide by 140; multiply the number


* See Vol. XXIX, Part II, p. 420.
