Today in History:

609 Series I Volume XVI-II Serial 23 - Morgan's First Kentucky Raid, Perryville Campaign Part II


Louisville, October 12, 1862 - 5.30 p. m.

President LINCOLN:

Your dispatch received. Have no reliable information since 10th instant. Battle was fought on Wednesday by two divisions of McCook's corps, and most of rebel force, under Hardee and Polk, Bragg commanding the whole. We lost Generals Jackson and Terrill, Colonel Webster, Lieutenant-Colonel Jouett, Major Campbell. Colonel Lytle, of Ohio, wounded in leading bayonet charge, and is believed to be in hands of enemy. Our loss estimated at 1,500 to 2,000 killed and wounded. The enemy's loss as great, and believe to be greater. Bragg and Cheatham reported killed, but needs confirmation. Doctor Murray, medical director of Buell's army, telegraphed this morning for hospital accommodations for 1,000 wounded being sent back from the battle. My understanding is that Buell is pressing the enemy. Heavy fighting reported at Harrodsburg. Expect to receive news by courier to night. Will send it to you.



PORTLAND, October 12, 1862.

Major-General WRIGHT, Cincinnati, Ohio:

Your telegram reached me this morning. I send reply by express to Hamden.

The following Kentucky and Tennessee regiments are with this command: Third Kentucky, Lieutenant-Colonel Ridgell, aggregate 520; Colonel Garrard, its commander, has a portion of this regiment at Louisville, not included in the aggregate 520; Fourteenth Kentucky, colonel Cochran, aggregate 790; Nineteenth Kentucky, Colonel Landram, aggregate 816; Twenty-second Kentucky, Colonel Lindsey, aggregate 874; detachment Munday's cavalry, aggregate 60; First Tennessee, Colonel Byrd, aggregate 873; Second Tennessee, Colonel Carter, aggregate 877; Third Tennessee, Colonel Houk, aggregate 250; Fourth Tennessee, Colonel Johnson, aggregate 748; Fifth Tennessee, Colonel Shelley, aggregate 727; Sixth Tennessee, cavalry, not equipped, about 300.

One battalion of Houk's regiment did good service at Big Hill, and was highly praised by General Nelson; it was afterward captured at Richmond. The Kentucky regiments, all well commanded and in good condition, will do good service wherever they are tried. The First Tennessee is well drilled and well commanded; the Second not in quite so good condition; the Sixth has an excellent colonel, with good officers. The Tennessee troops would be equal to any in the service; they are brave, enduring, and anxious to learn, but are very clannish, and imagine slights when none are intended; they should not be brigaded together. Generals Spears and Carter are East Tennesseans. Spears has great energy and courage, but has an idea that was means extermination. Carter is a courteous and gallant officer, with one year's experience in the field and seventeen in the Navy. All of the se troops detest Western Virginia and prefer a campaign in Kentucky. They have done good service in my command, and if withdrawn form it I