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262 Series I Volume XVI-II Serial 23 - Morgan's First Kentucky Raid, Perryville Campaign Part II

Page 262 KY.,M. AND E.TENN.,N.ALA,. AND SW.VA. Chapter XXVIII.

and to be stationed midway between the bridges 1-4; one company at Duck River, to have one plantoon stationed at east side of said river.



COLUMBIA, August 4, 1862.

Colonel J. B. FRY:

Two companies Seventy-eight Pennsylvania Volunteers at Elk River, two companies at Pulaski, three companies at Columbia, one company south end of Duck River Railroad Bridge, two companies just relieved by Seventy-fourth Ohio, marching to Columbia; one company First Kentucky Cavalry at Columbia. Will order Wolford's cavalry at Reynold's, except one more company here, and two sections of Konkle's battery to proceed to Murfreesborough immediately.



COLUMBIA, August 4, [1862].

Colonel J. B. FRY:

As Colonel McCook and other detachments along the railroad have been acting under your orders direct and receiving no reply to my inquiry whether my authority extended over all the troops along the line will explain the neglect at Culleoka. Understanding from your late orders that the railroad is in my care from Nashville to Tennessee River, shall immediately exercise my usual caution.



HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE OHIO, Huntsville, August 4, 1862.

Major W. H. SIDELL,
Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Nashville:

SIR: The general commanding directs that you send the following amounts of ammunition to Dechered as soon as practicable, viz: Six hundred and fifty thousand rounds, caliber .58; 500,000 rounds, caliber .69; 25,000 rounds, caliber .54; 10,000 carbine cartridges, and 2,000 rounds Colt's revolving-rifle cartridges.

The general does not with you to rob the depot at Nashville to furnish this, but to forward a part at once from Nashville and push the rest forward as fast as you can get it from Louisville.

The foregoing was sent you by telegraph to-day.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General.

HUNTSVILLE, ALA., [August 4, 1862].

Captain WRIGHT:

SIR: If General Thomas has received I want him to come up to-night, if he can properly leave his command. If no train is coming I will send one for him. Answer.


Major-General, Commanding.

Page 262 KY.,M. AND E.TENN.,N.ALA,. AND SW.VA. Chapter XXVIII.