Today in History:

474 Series I Volume XLIX-I Serial 103 - Mobile Bay Campaign Part I

Page 474 KY., S. W. VA., TENN., N. & C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.

upon Columbus, eighty miles distant. Columbus is a fortified city of 12,000 inhabitants, situated on the east bank of the Chattahoochee. Three bridges span the river at this point, one foot bridge at the lower end of the city, the other, foot and railroad, bridges, are three-quarters of a mile above, opposite the upper end of the city. There is a fourth bridge at Clapp's Factory, three miles above, which was destroyed upon the approach of Captain Young, of the Tenth Missouri Cavalry, who was sent to secure it. On the west bank of the river, between the upper and lower bridges, lies the small town of Girard. Mill Creek, which flows through an open valley about a mile in width, separating two prominent ridges which approach the river perpendicularly and overlook the city empties into the river near the center of Girard. The lower bridge was defended from the east bank by a rifle-pit and three pieces of artillery sweeping it. The upper foot and railroad bridges were defended by a tete-de-pont, consisting of two redoubts, connected by a range of rifle-pits about three-quarters of a mile long, extending across the upper ridge, strengthened by slashing in front. The lower redoubts, situated just below the upper bridge, contained six 12-pounder howitzers; four 10-pounder Parrott guns were in position on its right. These guns completely swept Mill Creek valley. The upper redoubt contained four guns, commanding the Summerville road. Five guns swept the railroad and two howitzers the upper foot bridge, making in all twenty-four guns in position. The works were held by about 2,700 infantry. The division, moving along the lower Crawford road, arrived about 2 p. m. opposite the lower bridge. Colonel Eggleston, commanding the advance guard, immediately charged to secure it, but was received with a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, while the bridge, previously prepared with combustible material, was at the same time fired. He therefore retired behind the ridge. Rodney's battery fired a few shots which developed the position of the enemy's artillery. It being impossible to attack successfully the tete-de-pont from this direction, General Alexander's bridge was placed in position along the crest of the lower ridge, while General Winslow's bridge, making a wide detour, was sent under cover across to the Summerville road on the upper ridge. His brigade was preceded by two companies of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry, under Captain Lewis, who drove in the opposing picket and charged gallantly upon a strong line of works, which in the darkness appeared to be the enemy's main position. General Winslow at once disposed his command for the attack, the plan of which was to penetrate the work with dismounted men, and then to send a mounted force through the breach with instructions to charge directly upon the bridge. The assault was made about 9 p.m. by six companies of the Third Iowa Cavalry, commanded by Colonel Noble. The front line of works was soon carried, which, being mistaken for the main line, two companies of the Tenth Missouri Cavalry, were ordered to charge to the bridge. These companies, supposed by the enemy to be his own men, passed through the works on the Summerville road unharmed, charged, and secured the bridge, capturing many prisoners. Captain McGlasson, finding himself in the enemy's rear and vastly outnumbered, rejoined his regiment. In the meantime the main line opened fire upon the right with grape and musketry. The Third Iowa pressed forward through a slashing 100 yards, deep, and after a charge unexampled in cavalry service, and with but few parallels, in infantry crowned the works. General Winslow promptly followed up the success, ignoring the redoubt on the right, which still continued its fire. The Fourth Iowa

Page 474 KY., S. W. VA., TENN., N. & C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.