Today in History:

302 Series I Volume XLIX-I Serial 103 - Mobile Bay Campaign Part I

Page 302 KY.,S.W. VA., TENN., N&C C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.

by some means be entirely broken down, and the false pride built upon the institution of slavery must be completely humbled before they can become a truly peaceful and contended people.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brevet Major-General.

Lieutenant Colonel C. T. CHRISTENSEN,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

No. 92. Reports of Brigadier General Thomas J. Lucas, U. S. Army, commanding brigade, of operations March 25 and April 9-June 6.

In the Field, near Escambia River, March 27, 1865.

I have the honor to forward to you the following report of the engagement of the 25th instant:

About 10 a.m. of that date my advance, the First Louisiana Cavalry, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Badger, came upon the enemy's vedettes near Cotton Creek, four of whom were captured. From them I learned that Clanton's (rebel) brigade, consisting of the Sixth and Eighth Alabama Cavalry, was in our front. At Cotton Creek the enemy, posted behind strong breast-works and about 100 strong, disputed the crossing. I dismounted three companies of the First Louisiana Cavalry, who advanced over the creek. The enemy immediately retiring, I pushed forward to Mitchell's Creek, where the enemy had fired the bridge and otherwise obstructed the crossing. Again dismounting a portion of the First Louisiana Cavalry, a passage was effected, the enemy falling back, making but feeble resistance. The bridge was quickly repaired, and being close upon the enemy's rear I ordered Colonel Badger with his regiment, supported by a battalion of the Second New York Veteran Cavalry, under Major Van Voast, to press forward as rapidly as possible and charge the enemy if he deemed it expedient. About 11 o'clock's the enemy, consisting of Clanton's brigade, about 600 strong, were formed in line of battle in a strong position on the north bank of Canoe Creek, mostly dismounted, commanded by General Clanton in person. Having gained the opposite bank of the creek, Colonel Badger formed his regiment for the purpose and charged the enemy in a most gallant manner under a heavy fire, leading the charge in person. I ordered the battalion of the Second New York Cavalry to move forward as a support as soon as they could cross the creek . The First Louisiana Cavalry swept down upon the enemy, breaking their lines instantly. The charge continued about four miles, giving the enemy no time to reform their lines, prisoners being secured all the time. I continued the pursuit to the Escambia River, the bridge having been previously destroyed, I captured a portion of a detachment of rebels who were in my front. Several driving their horses off the broken end of the bridge were drowned; many escaped through the swamps and woods on either flank, my advance being so rapid the main column was not able to keep up and secure them. I remained with two companies, with which I had advanced several miles beyond the head of the column, at the river

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