Today in History:

143 Series I Volume XLIX-I Serial 103 - Mobile Bay Campaign Part I


lery, were put in position in a ten-gun battery 200 yards in advance of the line of batteries on my right. The two 8-inch mortars on Bertram's line were removed to a position in advance of the light batteries on my right center, and placed in battery 500 yards from the enemy's works. On the 8th, by order of the major-general commanding, all batteries and light batteries on my line opened fire at 5.30 p. m., continuing it for one hour, under cover of which the left of the enemy's line was carried by the troops of Major-General Smith by assault.

During the night the enemy evacuated his position, withdrawing by his left and escaping across the marsh to transports in the vicinity of Batteries Tracy and Huger, abandoning all his artillery, ordnance stores, and supplies. In these operations 6,450 yards in lenghth of parallel and 4,050 yards of sap were constructed by the troops of my command, my approaches at the time of the evacuation being at an average distance along the entire line of 250 yards from the forts in my front. Colonel Bertram's brigade was placed in charge of the captured works. On the 9th General Benton's division moved to Blakely, where upon the same day the lines of the enemy were carried handsomely by assault, Major-General Steele commanding the forces. Two brigades of the Second Division, Brigadier General C. C. Andrews, and the Second Brigade, of Veatch's division, made part of the assaulting column. Of the splendid behavior of the troops I was a witness.

On the 10th my command was held in readiness to march, with five days' rations, and on the 11th at sunset the First and Third Divisions were ordered to Starke's Landing, on the east shore of Mobile Bay, the west shore. This landing was effected without opposition at 10.30 a. m. on the 12th, Starke's Landing having been reached at 2 o'clock that morning, and the troops embarked on transports before daylight. The command landed at Catfish Point, five miles below Mobile, toward which they at once marched. At noon of that day the city was surrendered by the mayor to the land and naval forces of the United States, having been evacuated by the military forces of the enemy the night previous. My headquarters were the same day established in Mobile and measures taken, under the efficient management of Brigadier General George L. Andrews, provost-marshal-general of the army, to restore quiet and order to the city. On the 13th General Benton's division was moved to Whistler, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and General Veatch's division assigned to the outer works and as garrison to the city.

The occupation of Mobile concludes the operations which I have the honor to report. By the capture of this city 150 cannon, many stand of small-arms, and abundance of quartermaster's, commissary, and ordance stores, with over 20,000 bales of cotton and 25,000 barrels of resin and turpentine and several steam vessels and sailing craft, fell into our hands. The specific reports of captures, including prisoners, herewith forwarded are respectfully referred to. During the operations the casualties in my command, not including Second and Third Brigades of Second Division, were 43 killed and 282 wounded.

I have the honor to forward the official reports of Brigadier-General Veatch, of First Division; Brigadier-General Benton, of Third Division, and Colonel Bertram, of First Brigade, of Second Division, respectfully referring to such reports for cases of special mention claiming the attention of the commanding general. I have the honor to forward also the official report of the Second and Third Brigades of the Second