Today in History:

707 Series I Volume XXVII-III Serial 45 - Gettysburg Campaign Part III


Maryland Infantry, and the First Potomac Home Brigade, Maryland Infantry. I must have troops for the east and west shores of the Chesapeake, and for the Lower Potomac, or all will be in disorder there. The contraband traders are having a high holiday, even bringing armed guards over from the Virginia shores to protect them, and demonstrations are made of intended resistance to the draft.



PITTSBURGH, Pa., July 15, 1863. (Received 2. 15 p. m.)

Honorable E. M. STANTON:

Out of three regiments ordered to West Virginia last week, one entire regiment (Colonel Gallagher's) and one company of another regiment refused to go. I ordered the company to turn over its arms, equipments, &c., and report to the State authorities, which has been done, as the Government had no use for such troops. On Monday, I reiterated the order to the regiment, and they obeyed it to the extent of going on the cars and leaving; but at Wellsville and other points, over 100 men left the cars, refusing to go farther. In the meantime, for other reasons, the regiment was ordered to return here. I now respectfully suggest that this regiment be discharged.



HARRISBURG, PA., JULY 15, 1863-2. 50 p. m. (Received 4. 30 p. m.)

Honorable E. M. STANTON:

The retreat of Lee's army across the Potomac will probably render the much longer continuance of our militia in the service unnecessary, and I submit the great importance to the National Government that they should be paid at the time of being mustered out of service. Any failure at this point must work against the Government, and perhaps add much to any feeling of hostility that may exist in the minds of the people against the draft. While the prompt performance of this duty will operate favorably to the draft, and be an inducement to many to enter the three-year's service of the Government, it will also be an encouragement to the militia to volunteer readily should any future exigency require them. This is an important consideration, for I have felt the nono-payment of the militia called out by the President last fall has been used against the Government during the calls recently made. I therefore urgently request that you will order the necessary arrangements to be made to have the militia paid as soon as orders are given for their being mustered out. It is unnecessary to add that I have no fund from which payment can be made. Were it otherwise, I would not hesitate to use it, leaving the settlement with the General Government for an after consideration. Please give me an early reply.